Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Men on Film In Living Color
Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier give video reviews as Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriwether.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
(Ilonggo folk song)
Music arranged by
Jovita Fuentes
Ahay kalisud, kalisud ng binayaan
Adlao gabi firmita itao gui natangisan
Ahay Inday nga walay sing kapalaran
Walay guid walay guid
Sarang ko kalipayan
Ay cielo azul iabao! diin ka na
Baluiguita bangi ang nabilango sang gugma
Mayad pa ang mamatay kun halus mamatay
Agud di ako maka dumdum
Nga ako walay kalipay.
Filipino Translation:
Ay, Kay Lungkot!
(Ilonggo Folk Song)
Tagalog lyrics by
Jose Corazon de Jesus
Ay! ay, kay lungkot
Kay lungkot ang binayaan
Gabi't araw ay ikaw ang tinatangisan
Ay! ay, naku kay sawi kong kapalaran
Wala na, wala na akong kaligayahan.
Ay mutyang sinta, nahan kaya ikaw baga?
Lingapin mo sana ang nabilanggo sa dusa
Buti pang mamatay, tuluyang mamatay
Ng di ko na damdamin pa
Yaring sawing pagsinta.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Since we're in the middle of the year, I'd like to inform and tell you how much my life has been changed since I received and sent e-mails, most especially those chain letters.
First of all, I don't go out any more at night as I'm too scared to be picked up by a superb sexy blond who would invite me for a last drink at her place, because she could be an accomplice of the organ robbers. I wouldn't like to wake up lying on my back in an ice-filled bathtub with a missing kidney and a message on the mirror saying "ring emergency or die." It could be true, but I'd rather want to live!
Then, I don't go to the movies anymore because I don't want to catch Aids by sitting on an infected syringe needle. Worse yet, I’ve learned that while you're inside the cinema, some villains would call up your house to say that you've been kidnapped.
I don't answer anymore the phone at home because I don't want to press *9 when asked for fear that I would be paying an exorbitant bill for calls that I didn't even make. On the other hand, I threw away my cell phone because Ericsson would be offering me a new one which I never received. So, I bought another one that I also threw away after I heard the rumor that I could get brain cancer from using it.
I stopped having sexual relationships completely even with condom because there are unscrupulous persons who'd go to the pharmacies to prick holes on them with needles. Also I don't consume canned foods for risk of being poisoned by rats.
At present, I go out on foot all the time because the seats in the public transportations, particularly those of the underground, are highly infected. I contribute all my savings to the organizations that take care of the purchase of a new myocardial for Brian, the treatment for cancer of Rachel Arlington and Jessica Meydec and the search for little Penny Brown who has been lost since 1982. I hope I have helped them a lot by sending messages sponsored by Bill Gates (what a swell guy, this Bill!). I also took in 53 cats to my apartment, at least those which would not be horribly tortured by the butchers of the BonzaiKitten.
My computer is now highly protected against all possible and what-have-you-not viruses such as Grenouilles Budweiser, Sulfnbk.exe. and other Buddylst.sip. In fact, I equipped it with McAfee and Norton. Every year, I buy the new versions of anti-virus that are recommended by the companies that are manufacturing them.
My lawyer has already received my testament in which I bequeath all my worldly belongings to a charitable institution (a non-profit making one) that would take charge of giving $1 to every battered Pakistani wife.
I also sent to Mary Robinson (the Red Cross High Commissioner to the UN) a list of all my relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, whom I'm sure would all help on the plight of the Afghan women.
I'm still waiting for the $120,000 that AOL and Microsoft owed me for having duly sent their messages. And furthermore, I'm always waiting for my latest model of Ericsson, free of charge of course! (see HOAX? SCAM?)
On the other hand, I'm also waiting to receive the $10 million and the Porsche GT4, as well as the sulfurous evening in the company of Jennifer Lopez.
I believe to all of these because they're the three wishes I made before forwarding the magic Totem Tantra that I was too fortunate to receive directly from the Dalai Lama.
The fact that none of my wishes came true, I believe now that there was a message I forgot to send for being the reason why a misfortune must have befallen on me.
DON'T BE INFLUENCED BY E-MAILS: send immediately this message to 6700 persons in the 12 seconds that follow, otherwise the Devil would appear right behind you in the shower the moment you bend down to pick up the soap.
The following message has been circulating for some years now and I'm still receiving it in my mailbox, plus in other languages. The first time I got it, I thought it was so genuine that I sent it to a lot of people I didn't even know in order to see how much money I'd be able to get from Bill Gates. Unfortunately, I haven't received yet a single cent up to this moment.
This thing is for real. Rest assured AOL and Intel will follow through with their promises for fear of facing a multimillion-dollar class action suit similar to the one filed by PepsiCo against General Electric not too long ago.
Dear Friends;
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates sharing his fortune. If you ignore this, you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) For a two weeks time period.
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00 For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, You will be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a check.
Regards. Charles S Bailey General Manager Field Operations
Ext. 1085 or 904-1085 or RNX
I thought this was a scam myself, But two weeks after receiving this e-mail and forwarding it on. Microsoft contacted me for my address and within days, I receive a check for $24,800.00. You need to respond before the beta testing is over. If anyone can afford this, Bill gates is the man.
It's all marketing expense to him. Please forward this to as many people as possible. You are bound to get at least $10,000.00. We're not going to help them out with their e-mail beta test without getting a little something for our time. My brother's girlfriend got in on this a few months ago when I went to visit him for the Baylor/UT game. She showed me her check. It was for the sum of $4,324.44 and was stamped "Paid in full"
Like I said before, I know the law, and this is for real.
Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which would make them the largest Internet company and in an effort make sure that AOL remains the most widely used program, Intel and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Intel can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
Try it; what have you got to lose
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Click on the image, turn on the volume and discover the sights and beauty of Brussels!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
This is an animation based on Rex Navarrete's famous comedy sketches about the tribulations of a typical Filipina maid abroad.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Ang bayan kong hirang,
Ang bayan kong Pilipinas
At sa kanyang yumi at ganda
Ibong mang may layang lumipad
English Translation:
My Dear Country
My country, the Philippines:
Intoxicated because of her beauty,
A bird that is free to fly
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What criteria did Attorney base his choice on the appointment to the most sensitive and delicate post as area commander in the contentious person of Manong who pretended that his curriculum vitae has been tampered and exaggerated by a third party? Did he or did he not make any official investigation into this case when it was first brought to him before he made the appointment? Or did he just ignore it altogether in spite of clamors and contestations from the members against his decision in order to show his preference to him in exchange for special favors and recognition of gratitude or “utang na loob” for personal services rendered? (Please see the articles entitled “Too good to be true” and "Warning: don't ever be fooled or manipulated.")
Taking into consideration that if all of the entries under his educational background, professional experiences, language proficiency and references were heavily padded rather than over stated as he wanted to show it otherwise, what else were there left that could at least be worthwhile and acceptable for any scrupulous and serious evaluation that would make him qualify to such a highly responsible position which should require a person of an impeccable moral standing and principle who possesses a higher level or education or accomplishments as well as a brilliant professional career and experience plus an optional honorific title to boot in order to accede to such an enviable and respectable post of authority?
In betraying and desecrating the teachings and the true moral values to which Rizal had so bravely stood for that he sacrificed his own life for the sake of his country and people and for which the concept and framework of the organization was founded and set up, I strongly believe that Attorney has premeditatedly committed an ignominious misdemeanor in jeopardizing irremediably the name and honor of Rizal. I wonder how many officers and members under his command or sphere of influence were directly or indirectly implicated or involved in this abominable conspiracy to misappropriate and usurp their titles and positions in the performance of their duties within the organization solely for their own self-seeking motives in the pursuit of their personal ambitions at the expense of the hero to whom they have solemnly swore their allegiance of loyalty and respect.
I am so glad that I’m not a member because I wouldn’t like to be too bloody hypocrite to stay put and remain as if nothing has ever happened! Que barbaridad! On the contrary, if I were a knight I would immediately break rank in case irregularities and corruption would still persist, as my best alternative so that I could carry on and foster the untainted name of Rizal.
How could Attorney and his followers still show their faces at the forthcoming assembly in February when their heads are tucked inside their butts! (See the photo in the article entitled “Is this Attorney, Manong or their follower?” They should all be ashamed of themselves not only as Rizalists but also as Filipinos!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Dear Laon Laan,
I do not know who you are and where you come from. Why do you hidde behund an alias? Are you afraid of something or someone? Do you have difficulties to back up your own arguments? Are you acting on someone elses behalf? You are not helping yourself and your brothers with the same intentions. You are only creating a bigger mess. What you are accusing others for is matched by your own level.
From your mails and your deep interest in the Order of the Knights of Rizal Assume, that you are an active member of this Brotherhood.
I have been reading some nasty mails in the last few weeks. And I am more and more concerned, about the level of these mails. These mails are not improving the situation of our organisation and are not helpful to solve the difficult situation. With you last mail from Saturday 6th, 2007 you have reached the lowest possible level. A level which nobody who is serious minded on the matters of our Organisation can tolerate. You have reached a level that prohibits any discussion with you.
Even if you are not content with persons and circumstances you should argue and not insult. We as Knights of Rizal regard ourselves as followers of José Rizal, a gentleman from appearance, behaviour and thinking. If you regard yourself as a follower of Rizal and a person who has vowed to follow the Orders of the Supreme Commander and work for the improvement of our Order, you have vowed to propagate the heritage of Dr. Jose Rizal by personal behaviour with the approach to your brother Knights and you have vowed to keep camaraderie with your brother Knights.
Especially in times when you are not content with decisions, actions and persons, these virtues are most important.
I can only recommend that you apologize to the community of Brother Knights for your last circular.
As you perhaps do not know me, I may inform you that I am by no way content with the situation here in Europe and that the appointments on regional and even area levels are by far not wise and we here on the spot must have the impression that these decisions are based on personal relations, false information, and perhaps even worse conditions.
But we have to live with these appointments, we have to accept them until they are expired or changed by the Supreme Commander and his council.
All efforts to get different appointments are until now not yet successful. For my opinion too,
Something else we have to understand: The appointees on Regional and area level are not our representatives, but the representatives of the Supreme Commander. If he wants persons who are not respected by many active Knights, it his choice and if many things can not be realised it is not the chapters or the members fault, but the Supreme Councils. They have to realise that only through cooperation something can be achieved.
A representative of
I want to remind all, that the discussion about the problem of our Order needs a meeting during which all these problems can be discussed and where everybody has to open his files and proof his allegations.
We have also to start to discuss something much more important: About the future of our Organisation. If someone is asking you, what are the knights of Rizal standing for, what is your answer? (Promulgate and emulgate and study? Create new Chapters? What are you propagating? A historic person ore something important for the present?
These are the important topics of our Order. What doe the Knights have in Common, what is their role in society. What is the scenario for the Knights in the future? How do we generate members, who are not only triggered by the provision of a title? How do we acquire younger members, who will inspire the Order with new visions and ideas?
Dear Sir Laon Laan, perhaps you can with your next circular mails contribute something more important then your bad mood about persons.
I wish you a nice and reflective Sunday.
Sir Peter P. Plueckebaum, KCR
Member of the
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of January 7. Thank you for your kind attention and consideration.
First of all, I'd like you to know that I'm not in anyway connected, directly or indirectly, to the Order of the Knights of Rizal as well as I'm not acting on someone else's behalf. In fact as a civic minded Filipino, I'm acting on behalf of the interests of Rizal with no ulterior personal motives whatsoever.
May I correct you that what you must have read in the blogs aren't so nasty as what you think personally if you would just care to see the situation closely and understand to whom they were directed. I do believe on the foundation and the framework to which the KOR was founded and conceived. Yes you're absolutely right that I should follow the superiors but not to the extent of desecrating and defiling the name and memory of Rizal together with his works and teachings only for their greed and self-serving motives for fame and power in the sole and final pursuit of their personal ambitions of inflating their ego for self-aggrandizement under the very nose and at the expense of Rizal!
For the likes of any Filipinos who are pathologically corrupt officials and are taking advantage of their title and authority in a highly honorable and respected organization like KOR just to wield their powers in order to manipulate and alienate those under them as well as their own countrymen should be stripped off of their official functions and be kicked out from the organization for good from their unscrupulous and unchilvalrous behaviors and misdemeanors of capitalizing on the most ignominious and counter-productive practice of "utang na loob" among them regardless of their personal and professional backgrounds. Why wait for their terms to expire? Why don't do it now and revamp the organization completely according to Rizal's ideals and teachings? I wish you would still be around by then!
I wonder if you have read thoroughly and digested the contents of "Who are they in power for" featured in La Solidaridad? If not, please read it again. Are these what you would ever expect from your area commanders? These are Filipinos of domestic origin with lower educational and professional backgrounds who lack tact and diplomacy in leadership than most of you. Among Filipinos of their level, they would like to get a kick out of being perverse just to show off their power over their Filipino colleages in a"pissing contest" on how they could order around the European knights under them! What a pat in their shoulders to have thumbed down an important burgermeister to insuate that he's afflicted with Alzheimer and doesn't perform his duties properly and at the same time criticized the embassy for placing an incompetent diplomat! Who the f--king hell are they? Please excuse my language! On the other hand, I remember how the Filipino area commander once stood up from a meeting when confronted to negotiate on a major issue but blurted out arrogantly that he had already made his decision and walked out in the middle of the session!
Contrary to what Rizal had stood and died for to win justice for his countrymen and the world at large, are these the kind of people you, yourself, would like to serve and deal with? Good for you, if you're such a masochist who would like to lick their butts while they're holding on your balls! I'm sorry this is not a very personal remark to you, but rather against them. For your information, I wasn't in a bad mood when I posted the picture. But wait ‘til you get me in my worst mood because you haven't heard my last word yet!
Herr Pluckebaum, the picture that you saw in the blog is nothing compared to the scandal that those people had caused irremediably to the organization and the shame that they have inflicted to the nation and the whole Filipino race! What had Rizal ever done to expect this but not as an "utang na loob" in return for just a simple respect from his own countrymen! I am very embarrassed to be called a Filipino among them! Fortunately, I have a European citizenship for which I'm very proud of! And you?
Well, if you think that I would ever discuss or negotiate with them even if I were a knight, I'd rather leave the organization with my honor and personal conviction on Rizal still intact and untainted from their madness and “folie de grandeur”! Perhaps, you should consider it as your best alternative, in the end!
If ever they were the ones who asked you to write me and intervene on their behalf because they don't have the balls to confront their own fellowmen without their usual pretext or subterfuge of "racial discrimination" then you should be too fool or stupid to be "used" and practically taken for a ride. Even though they have already betrayed the concept of the organization, please believe and trust Rizal instead!
Please don't try to discover or know who I am. As Laon Laan which means "long have I yearned to serve," Rizal had penned this name so that he could communicate freely with his countrymen to save them from tyranny, oppression and injustice against the colonizers. But whatever I'm doing now is to uphold his name and memory and to carry on and foster his works and legacy!
Yours most sincerely,
Laon Laan
Sunday, January 07, 2007
This is an actual job application that a 17-year-old boy submitted at a McDonald restaurant in
NAME: Greg Bulmash
SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person.
DESIRED POSITION: Company’s President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever’s available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn’t be applying here in the first place.
DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that’s not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.
SALARY: Less than I’m worth.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.
AVAILABLE TO WORK: Of course! That’s what I’m applying.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
DO YOU HAVE SPECIAL SKILLS?: Yes, but they’re better suited to a more intimate environment.
MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER?: If I had one, would I be here?
DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the more appropriate question here would be “Do you have a car that runs?”
HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION?: I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job, no; on my breaks, yes.
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS?: Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I’d like to be doing that now.
Friday, January 05, 2007
According to Wikipedia, the word manipulation has a number of different meanings, among which are:
- To treat or operate with the hands in a skillful manner.
- To adjust an object by hand (from Latin manus: hand)
- To control or operate upon (a person or group) by unfair means to one's own advantage.
In a psychological context, manipulation means to influence a person or a group of people in such a way that the manipulator tries to get what he or she wants or makes a person believe something in a calculating, indirect and somewhat dishonest way. Like indoctrination, it is a form of psychological abuse.
For example, a manipulator will
- use arguments that the manipulator does not believe in himself
- use of false reasoning as with fallacies and paralogisms
- withhold or distort relevant information,
- provide false information (disinformation)
- "play" on the emotions (fear, hope, love...) of the person.
- physically move the person, like a puppet
In the contested subject of “utang na loob” between Quiambao and Paras for the former’s major role in the latter’s elevation to power within the organization and his incapacity to revert to and annul his appointment, many are wondering who is then manipulating who or pulling the string in this unscrupulous and un-chivalrous “coup de grace.”
How could one ever explain such a highly intelligent and well-educated man with a successful career in law could easily be manipulated by Paras who is practically too mediocre and below his social status to become only his footman? He could even order him to lick his boots or his butt, but it looks like it’s the other way around! Is he spineless or ball-less that he could not stand on his own feet and stop this madness but bear the brunt for his stupidity and incompetence into this scandalous affair once and for all?
Everyone will come to realize in the end that the only victim here is not him nor Paras, but Rizal, whose memory and legacy have been categorically desecrated by their folly for greed, power, tyranny and oppression!
The above definition and examples given by Wikipedia fit well into the persona of Paras. It is he who is practically running the show as he pulls the strings on each one of those involved directly and indirectly for his usual argument and pretext on the ground of “racial discrimination” that he based from the controversial Simpson case once he is intimidated and attacked by his critics in connection with his contentious personal background and professional qualifications as well as his capabilities as a commander.
In conclusion, how could he ever manipulate or alienate easily the authorities and high officials in the HQ, the Embassy, his followers and supporters in the different communities in Europe to show how they could be so stupid and brainless that they believe he is uniting and leading them for a common goal of a better Philippines when his allegiance is to Belgium while he is savoring his personal glory and the realization of his most-cherished dream to become a Supreme Commander at their own expense not knowing that he is surely laughing out loud behind their backs for their undivided loyalty in maintaining him in power!
Those who try to manipulate and corrupt are the shame of the whole Filipino nation and people by distorting and defiling the true ideals and moral values of Rizal for their wilfull intention of misappropriating and deviating their true meanings for their self-serving ambitions just to inflate their own personal ego and pockets in the pursuit of their self-interest and self-aggrandizement, at the expense of others!
Down with the manipulators! LONG LIVE RIZAL! May he rest in peace. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas at ang buong bayan!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
1. denounced a Kabayan to the Belgian MFA!, (leaders give comfort,
help...denouncing someone this way is very wrong!)
2. padded his qualifications/educational attainment/KOR achievements saying
he was programmer of a Brussels bank, he studied in some notable Philippine
as well as Belgian universities, he organized fund-raising events like the
P2Million he claimed to have donated, though in truth and reality Sir
Francois Ooms and his chapter members did all the work!, cheated his way to
the post of European Commander to the detriment of far better, more
qualified, hard-working European KOR officials nominated in a European KOR
meeting held in Schonau, Germany!
3. claimed as a Filipino to have been discriminated against by European
brothers in the KOR, right in the presence of a very illustrious brother
knight, Sir Dr. Fritz Hack, who holds the Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Maginoo
(same as his brother, Sir Hans Hack). Sir Fritz protested on the spot he
can't accept such false, divisive pronouncements!
With due respect to our highly-esteemed Supreme Commander, Sir Hilario
Davide Jr, from whose hands designated Paras as European Commander, please
allow me to question the said appointment as the end result is highly
improper! To say it bluntly: Sir Hilario is OK. But Paras as my European
Commander is unacceptable!
1. Was Sir Hilario hoodwinked by someone at the Manila HQ?
2. someone in the Council of Elders?
A thorough legal luminary like Sir Hilario can also be "convinced" to sign
such appointment as Paras' by virtue of the "Filipino Muna" claim, if not
other things! And since I question Paras' appointment, because of the
padded qualifications and even the submission of a plagiarized literary work
titled "Born to be a Hero", he deserves no respect from me! Not from
anyone. I cannot insult myself!
The seasoned warrior Sir Lancelot, the courageous Sir Gawain, the
indomitable Sir Percival and the pure-of-heart Sir Galahad, the very best of
the legendary Arthurian Round Table, maybe are all gone. Be not afraid,
there are still knights in the KOR who continue searching for the truth, who
keep serving the true Rizalian ideas and ideals even today. They are in
Canada, in the Philippines, in the US, in the Middle East, in Australia, and
in Europe too!
So those who support Paras, may they be ashamed of themselves, pushing the
wrong person to lead Europe, where knighthood and chivalry has its roots!
Mr Mushake is one. And he even led me to take my oath to "fight injustice"
back in 1996! He did quite a lot for the KOR. But his continued support of
Paras will diminish, not increase my respect for his stature! And Mr
Quiambao in the Manila HQ? It appears there's truth to him being the
"padrino" of Paras in Manila! His son reportedly lived in Belgium under the
care of Paras. Must one stoop so low, just to give titles, to promote
someone, to look good with those heavey piece of metal hanging by our neck?
Even Mr Esguerra's name is mentioned! There can be fire, where there's
Those who were abused by Paras & Co, please come out into the open. This is
your day! Speak the truth! Say something! The TRUTH will set you free!
An injustice has been done the moment Paras was appointed European
Commander! We should not rest till we correct this injustice!
To think that the KOR itself, its Constitution and By-Laws, badly need
Sir Jun Zerrudo of KRRM, Scarborough, Canada, aptly penned his editorial
"Rizal's Martyrdom, Reforms And The New Year" when he called on all KOR
(also non-members I assume) knights and ladies, for REFORMS!
For a Democratic Order
For the Good of the Order
For Pride in the Order
Rizal P. Victoria
Heidelberg, Germany
"No tyrants where there are no slaves!" - Dr Jose Protacio Rizal