Tuesday, April 24, 2007


7 Million Filipinos Abroad
According to the Philippine Senate, some 7 to 8 million Filipinos live and work abroad, 2.5 million of them in the United States. There were 105,000 Americans in the Philippines in 1999.

The Philippine Overseas and Employment Administration (POEA) said that in 2001 alone, 866,590 Filipinos left the country on legitimate working visas to work abroad. This translates to 2,374 Filipinos leaving the country each day. OFWs sent a total of US$6.23 billion in dollar remittances to the Philippines in 2001.

2.4 Million Filipino-Americans
According to the US Census 2000, there were 2.4 million Filipino Americans in the US, comprising the second largest Asian group next only to the Chinese Americans. However, there are some who say that the actual number of Filipino-Americans could exceed 3 million. More than 1 million Filipino Americans live in San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles in the west coast.

19 Percent of Filipinos Want to Migrate
A survey conducted by Pulse Asia in March and April 2002 showed that 19 percent of its 1,200 respondents wanted to migrate to another country because opportunities were lacking in the Philippines. The desire to migrate from the Philippines was stronger among upper classes. The survey said that 31 percent of its respondents belonging to ABC wanted to live in another country.

1.2 Million Passports Annually
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) issues about 1.2 million passport booklets annually. In the first quarter of 2002, there was a shortage of passports because the number of Filipinos who went abroad for work suddenly surged. The POEA said that from around 2,300 in the previous quarters, the number of OFWs leaving the country each day surged to 2,700 in the first quarter of 2002. The DFA imposes a daily quota of 2,000 passports for individual applicants and 1,500 passports for travel agencies.

204,900 Seafarers
Of the total number of Filipinos who left the country on working visas in 2001, 661,639 were land-based workers while 204,951 were seafarers. Filipino seafarers man about 20 percent of international vessels in the world.

Top destinations of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are Saudi Arabia, which hired 190,732 Filipinos in 2001; Hong Kong, 113,583; Japan, 74,093; Singapore, 26,305; Kuwait, 21,956; and Italy, 21,641. Only 10,000 Filipinos were hired in the US but the number excluded 2.5 million Filipino immigrants who were already there.

2.7 Million Filipino Immigrants
A Commission of Overseas Filipinos study showed that there were 2.7 million Filipino immigrants around the world as of 2002. The figure includes 1.89 million immigrants in the US; 200,000 in Canada; 170,000 in Japan; and 70,000 in the United Kingdom.

51,031 Migrants in 2000
According to the Bureau of Immigration, 51,031 Filipinos migrated to other countries in the year 2000 alone. Of this number, 31,324 Filipinos went to the US; 8,245 to Canada; 6,468 to Japan; 2,298 to Australia; 522 to Germany; 174 to the United Kingdom; and 1,970 to other countries.

US$6.2 Billion Remittances
Dollar remittances sent by OFWs amounted to US$6.235 billion in 2001. About US$5.142 billion of the total amount was sent by land-based OFWs while US$1.093 billion came from Filipino seafarers. Some US$3.2 billion or over half of total remittances came from the United States. The figure excluded dollar remittances that were not sent through the regular banking system.

Richest in New York
According to the 1990 United States Census, the Filipino-Americans living in New York (perhaps the world's most prosperous city) had the highest median income among all ethnic groups. The census revealed that in 1990, there were 43,229 Filipino Americans in New York who had a median income of about US$45,000, surpassing those of European-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Afro-Americans.

15,000 Nurses in the UK
According to British Ambassador to the Philippines Paul Dimond, there were 15,000 Filipino nurses in the United Kingdom as of June 2002. The number is growing, he added. He also disclosed that the British embassy has issued 30,000 visas to Filipinos in 2001 alone, with an acceptance rate of 95 percent among applicants. About 300,000 Filipino nurses reportedly left the country to work abroad in 2001.

150,000 Entertainers in Japan
As of 1998, there were 150,000 Filipino women working as entertainers in Japan. Many of them were vulnerable to abuse and some driven to prostitution.

154,000 Household Maids in Hong Kong
According to The Economist magazine, Filipino women were serving as domestic helpers or "amahs" in 154,000 households in Hong Kong as of 1998. The report added that Filipino women comprised 40 percent of non-Chinese amahs in Hong Kong. Over half of Filipino amahs in Hong Kong have college degrees, and some even hold master's degree in education.

Filipino household maids are also present in Singapore, Taiwan, and the Middle East. Filipino caregivers are in the United States and Canada.

32,000 Teachers as Household Helps
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said that as many as 32,000 Filipino teachers had left their profession in the country to work as household maids and nannies abroad."



Another way that you love your enemy is this:

When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy,
that is the time which you must not do it.
There will come a time, in many instances,
when the person who hates you most,
the person who has misused you most,
the person who has gossiped about you most,
the person who has spread false rumors about you most,
there will come a time when
you will have an opportunity to defeat that person.
It might be in terms of a recommendation for a job;
it might be in terms of helping that person
to make some move in life.
That's the time you must do it.
That is the meaning of love.

In the final analysis,
love is not this sentimental something that we talk about.
It's not merely an emotional something.
Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men.
It is the refusal to defeat any individual.
When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power,
you seek only to defeat evil systems.
Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love,
but you seek to defeat the system.

Loving your enemies - Martin Luther King Jr. - 1957

Saturday, April 21, 2007


by Jaeyoun Kim.

Filipinos always complain about the corruption in the Philippines. Do you really think the corruption is the problem of the Philippines?

I do not think so. I strongly believe that the problem is the lack of love for the Philippines

Let me first talk about my country, Korea. It might help you understand my point. After the Korean War, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world.

Koreans had to start from scratch because entire country was destroyed after the Korean War, and we had no natural resources.

Koreans used to talk about the Philippines, for Filipinos were very rich in Asia. We envy Filipinos. Koreans really wanted to be well off like Filipinos. Many Koreans died of famine. My father & brother also died because of famine. Korean government was very corrupt and is still very corrupt beyond your imagination, but Korea was able to develop dramatically because Koreans really did their best for the common good with their heart burning with patriotism.

Koreans did not work just for themselves but also for their neighborhood and country.

Education inspired young men with the spirit of patriotism.

40 years ago, President Park took over the government to reform Korea. He tried to borrow money from other countries, but it was not possible to get a loan and attract a foreign investment because the economic situation of South Korea was so bad. Korea had only three factories. So, President Park sent many mine workers and nurses to Germany so that they could send money to Korea to build a factory. They had to go through horrible experience.

In 1964, President Park visited Germany to borrow money. Hundred of Koreans in Germany came to the airport to welcome him and cried there as they saw the President Park. They asked to him, "President, when can we be well off? That was the only question everyone asked to him. President Park cried with them and promised them that Korea would be well off if everyone works hard for Korea, and the President of Germany got the strong impression on them and lent money to Korea .

So, President Park was able to build many factories in Korea. He always asked Koreans to love their country from their heart.

Many Korean scientists and engineers in the USA came back to Korea to help developing country because they wanted their country to be well off. Though they received very small salary, they did their best for Korea. They always hoped that their children would live in well off country.

My parents always brought me to the places where poor and physically handicapped people live. They wanted me to understand their life and help them. I also worked for Catholic Church when I was in the army. The only thing I learned from Catholic Church was that we have to love our neighborhood. And, I have loved my neighborhood. Have you cried for the Philippines? I have cried for my country several times. I also cried for the Philippines because of so many poor people.

I have been to the New Bilibid prison. What made me sad in the prison were the prisoners who do not have any love for their country. They go to mass and work for Church. They pray everyday.

However, they do not love the Philippines. I talked to two prisoners at the maximum-security compound, and both of them said that they would leave the Philippines right after they are released from the prison. They said that they would start a new life in other countries and never come back to the Philippines .

Many Koreans have a great love for Korea so that we were able to share our wealth with our neighborhood. The owners of factory and company were distributed their profit to their employees fairly so that employees could buy what they needed and saved money for the future and their children.

When I was in Korea, I had a very strong faith and wanted to be a priest. However, when I came to the Philippines, I completely lost my faith. I was very confused when I saw many unbelievable situations in the Philippines. Street kids always make me sad, and I see them everyday.

The Philippines is the only Catholic country in Asia , but there are too many poor people here. People go to church every Sunday to pray, but nothing has been changed.

My parents came to the Philippines last week and saw this situation. They told me that Korea was much poorer than the present Philippines when they were young. They are so sorry that there are so many beggars and street kids. When we went to Pagsanjan, I forced my parents to take a boat because it would fun.

However, they were not happy after taking a boat. They said that they would not take the boat again because they were sympathized the boatmen, for the boatmen were very poor and had a small frame. Most of people just took a boat and enjoyed it. But, my parents did not enjoy it because of love for them.

My mother who has been working for Catholic Church since I was very young told me that if we just go to mass without changing ourselves, we are not Catholic indeed. Faith should come with action. She added that I have to love Filipinos and do good things for them because all of us are same and have received a great love from God. I want Filipinos to love their neighborhood and country as much as they love God so that the Philippines will be well off.

I am sure that love is the keyword, which Filipinos should remember. We cannot change the sinful structure at once. It should start from person. Love must start in everybody, in a small scale and have to grow. A lot of things happen if we open up to love. Let's put away our prejudices and look at our worries with our new eyes.

I discover that every person is worthy to be loved. Trust in love, because it makes changes possible. Love changes you and me. It changes people, contexts and relationships. It changes the world. Please love your neighborhood and country.

Jesus Christ said that whatever we do to others we do to Him. In the Philippines, there is God for people who are abused and abandoned. There is God who is crying for love. If you have a child, teach them how to love the Philippines. Teach them why they have to love their neighborhood and country.

You already know that God also will be very happy if you love others.

That's all I really want to ask you Filipinos.



"No life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it." -- Ellen Glasgow

ACCEPT differences until difference makes NO difference at all.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Philippines Downward Spiral From Industrialization -- An Analysis

We risk being a bit redundant, as some of what ensues, has been touched on before; Specifically, our Retort to the piece, FILIPINO PRIDE, written by an American Expat, living in the Philippines, presently. It is not my inclination to write, preferring instead, at pursuing TRUTHS. There are instances, however, when one is compelled to share one's thoughts/ideas. for clarity, and to present issues, "on the other side of the coin", to controversial and interesting matters, about the Philippines.

Lest it be dismissed, or even forgotten, the Phil. in the Glorious decade and a half in the Sixties to the early Seventies, we bested all the Economies of developing Asia, including Taiwan, Korea, India, China, et al. by having the highest Economic Growth. The Phil. Peso's equivalence to the Dollar ranged from 2, in the 60's, to 8 in 1978, when I went home for the first time, in 24 years. We have seen the loss of the Peso's value, as a consequence of the Economic downturn, since then.

WHAT WENT WRONG?? First, we try to learn from Historical Lessons, again. The following Countries, have improved the Lot of their people, and undergoing or have undergone Industrialization in the aftermath of a War, be it Global, Civil or an Internecine one. Examples are:
1) Israel -- after 3 wars with Arab neighbors, and continues to this day.
2) Germany, Japan (World War), China -- world and Civil Wars, South Korea--an Internecine War brought about by Geopolitics; Taiwan -- refuge from a Civil War
3) Vietnam -- winning 2 Wars--Colonial and Geopolitical with 2 Superpowers, one with the mightiest Army on Earth, a feat unprecedented in Modern Human History -- Now, on the Road to Industrialization, and Economic Progress.
4) Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei , India, Thailand -- no War baggages to carry -- now, on their Roads for uplifting their Citizen's economic status.
5) Indonesia, an Archipelago like the Phil., despite a decades of one man rule, and enormous Natural Resources, has nothing to show. Shares with the Philippines, and Bangladesh with the highest unemployment rate in Asia.


1. THE GOVERNMENT -- be it Kingdom, Oligarchy, Dictatorship, Democracy, in the true sense, and not the '"DEMOCRAZY" for the select Elite few, as practiced in the Phil., etc. MUST BE STRONG IN ENFORCING ITS LAWS, AND PUNISH AS APPROPRIATE FOR THE CRIMES COMMITTED. In developing countries, it is innate in Human Nature, for leaders to aggrandize, and enrich themselves -- plunging the country into Ruin. We have a lot of examples of these Leaders. This tendency is offset by the Strong Government enforcing its Laws. Thailand threw out its Prime Minister, Gen Chun of South Korea was indicted, Israel is wary of its President, Malaysia is another strict nation. Simply put, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, WHOEVER THEY ARE!!! GRAFT AND CORRUPTION exists even in developed countries. It is the Government's job to curb, minimize and punish!! This kind of Government projects Stability and Coherence, conducive for Economic Progress, by infusion of Foreign capital to bolster home grown businesses, or International Businesses, outsourcing their Manufacturing/services Divisions.

2. THE LEADERS - Very rare, indeed , are Leaders who started Nobly, and left an enduring legacy without losing their Integrity, uncorrupted by the Power they have achieved, and with examples, are on the road or have achieved Economic Progress for their respective countries. We may not agree with their politics, but the Leaders of China, Vietnam, Singapore, Israel, to name a few -- didn't aggrandize and plunder their respective countries. Examples of excesses are the Philippines, Indonesia, Iraq, The Congo, etc.

3. THE PEOPLE - The Article «A DAY WITHOUT FILIPINOS», by Fr. Jess E. Briones, SVD - Superior Legatus, Argentina, is an excellent source of the world-wide contribution of overseas Filipino Workers. In my Retort to 'FILIPINO PRIDE', the Physicians, Physiotherapists and especially our Nurses, rate among the best in this world. In large Metropolitan, and inner city areas- emergency depts. and critical areas in Hospitals can not run smoothly without the latter. Just as the saying goes, ''every man is like the Moon, each has a Dark Side." We have misdirected Nationalism -- favoring expensive Foreign Goods to our own (and why not if you can afford it, uplifting oneself to the social and economic stratum, with the Awe, and perhaps, the Power that goes with it). In a Time magazine about the Phil. in the past,-- my mortgage is carried on the wrist of a Nouveau Rich's son -- a Cartier bejeweled wrist watch !!!

We are by Nature--peaceful, forgiving, and very tolerant, and lacking of altruistic tendencies to the point that it does not affect us, we sideline ourselves. This is why our decrepit and corrupt system of government, perpetuates and recycles itself with newly minted Nouveau Rich, hungrier and more aggressive than the predecessors. Meanwhile, the POOR who have nobody to turn too, but the Gov't, are shamelessly forgotten, and left to forage for their Basic Needs for Existence. This is where the Remittances go -- to poor, and even struggling Working Class relatives, incapable of making ends meet. These monies do not go to Mega-Malls!! We are lucky to have our esteemed Colleagues who do Medical Missions to the Phil. -- lending their skills, expertise, etc. to their indigent countrymen. These are people who should be given MacArthur awards, and even Gold Humanitarian Medals, for their unselfish and at their expense contributions to the Needs of their countrymen. There are others -- my Family included, who helped financially, a hard-working, bright CPA, migrate to the USA. She, in turn, was able to educate all her Siblings, including a Nurse now working in the USA. These, are examples of what our system of Gov't can not provide to our Needy Citizens.

4. OUR PRODUCTS - A. The overseas Filipino Workers world-wide, whose Remittances furnish the Dollar to purchase our Energy and Life's necessities, and helps stem the downward spiral from Economic Glory to Economic Collapse. We are very fortunate as the 3rd largest English-speaking Nation -- to parlay to Industrial Nations, this attribute. Unfortunately, because of our Political Immaturity (all the years since Independence we have been perpetuating the same SYSTEM OF NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW, AND THE CORRUPTION THAT ABOUNDS -- we lose out to Countries within the region, without these flaws for the Outsourcing/Manufacturing/Services 0f International Companies. The Ivory Coast variety of coconut, with its plentiful yield, and much earlier maturity for fruit-bearing, led to the demise of our Copra Industry. Similarly, we should have been the beneficiary of the Cuban Sugar Embargo, but Louisiana with the state wide planting of Sugar Beets, led to the same end. We teach other Nations via the Ford Foundation Rice Research Institute, in Los Banos, yet we import the Rice despite an Agricultural Economy. The same can be said of the Tobacco Industry in the Ilocos, in the 60's, destroyed by unscrupulous and greedy middlemen, abetted by corrupt gov't officials with their payolas in upgrading the poorly grade tobacco to a desired grade. We are fortunate for INTEL, and a few other Int'l Cos., but these are not enough for employment. Again, thank our good Nature, for the world-wide employment. What else can we offer -- to trade???

5. THE ROAD TO INDUSTRIALIZATION OF A DEVELOPING NATION/ECONOMIC PROGRESS. There are Historical Lessons we can benefit from already accomplished and almost- there Nations, in their Economic Evolution. Free Enterprise is the key supported by a Forceful and Strong Government, willing to punish and make fearful of individuals who break the Law; that no one is above the Law. The Leaders themselves are Noble, and true to their principles in aiding and furnishing their Citizen’s basic needs; and leading Exemplary Lives for the populace to follow.

An Industrial Nation can be built in 2 ways---from the top-down exemplified by the USA, whose wealth and history is quite unique-- with a segment of the population with 2 or 3 cars, and all the amenities of daily life, but, with a class of homeless individuals, and 35--40 million people without Medical Coverage, and expensive education to Top rated schools and Universities. We have patterned our road, to this example. Unfortunately, we do not have the wealth, and the Grants/Scholarships/Student Aids, and the Emergency Medical Coverage that one can turn to in time of need for deserving Americans. The other method is the down-top alternative, which forgoes the 2-3 cars and life's luxuries, by gov't striving to give its citizens first -- the Basic Needs, e.g. health, education, food and housing- welfare and, progress to the top. This example is what China and some other countries took. The strong Central Gov't serves to stem, hinder, and punish Corruption, which is innate to Human Behavior.


Ding Avecilla, MD