Good Morning Sir,
Thanks for your e-mail and the chance to speak freely for a just cause. I'm a normal individual. And I have nothing personal against Lino Paras. One thing I cannot accept is being fooled. I understand there should be due process. But the damage has been done and retribution is taking too long! I also studied Law. It's difficult for me to accept that a person would fool everyone for so long, high and low, and even become my KOR Commander for entire Europe, despite reporting a poor Kababayan to the authorities! (All Pinoys who left the Philippines would not have left, if there's enough good-paying jobs back home.) May swift justice prevail and discipline be imposed. Everyone should know that Filipinos are a proud people, yet peace-loving, honest, hard working, and not corrupt.
Westinghouse Corp, a US company, bribed Phil officials (remember Herminio Disini?) in order to build a nuclear power plant in Bataan. And the entire Philippine archipelago lies on the so-called earthquake belt! Now the plant is standing there, unused! Like a huge tomb! Yet all Filipinos have to pay forever, principal plus horrendous interest because of the loan to build that crap! If the US Import/Export Bank were fair, or even the US government, or if GMA were righteous, that particular loan should have been scrapped from the total Phil debt, because it was one big spurious, onerous transaction! That's American corruption! What's our country's benefit from that mammoth? It's not even a tourist attraction! Money for such loan, now eating a big chunk of the annual national budget, could have been provided for Education, Health services, Housing, jobs creation in the country!
Fraport AG, a German company, cannot explain the discrepancy between their cost claims against the Phil government amounting to $425M and the $300M+ that was actually paid to the NAIA3 Japanese construction company! A portion of the overall total, about $25M, is not clear what it was for? Even the Phil Supreme Court ruled that the PIATCO deal was tainted with corruption and recommended correction. That's German corruption! Even if some Phil officials asked for grease money, if Fraport were honest, they shouldn't have paid! Corruption is giver and taker. Fraport can try offering me money and I'll tell them NO. Who is corrupt then?
I bristle whenever I hear someone claim that the Philippines is very corrupt! Who started corruption? I think corruption came from outside, brought to the Philippines. We never invaded another country! Magellan came to us. Did he bring it there...?
Kind sir, thru hard work, discipline, honesty, let's prove to all that Filipinos are not corrupt! It takes time, but we can begin today.
Alles Gute kind Sir!
Sir Rizal Victoria, KR
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter
"He who conquers himself, is greater than he who takes a city!" - The Bible
Editor's Note. This article is open for debate. Please don't hesitate to post your remarks or comments.
Editor's Note. This article is open for debate. Please don't hesitate to post your remarks or comments.
Dear Mr. Victoria,
In principle, I do agree with you that Filipinos are not corrupt, if you mean you and me. But the issue on the corruption you cited was a two-way deal between our government authorities and the foreign contractors. If our officials were intelligent and perspicacious before signing a deal, then we could preclude that the foreigner contractors were the corrupt parties in the first place! Therefore, you should point your finger to our local self-serving officials who wouldn't think twice about the welfare of their own country and people in the long run but to get rich instantly from the huge "kick-back" and commissions that they could obtain in return!
This is precisely what I want corrected, the impression that Filipinos, the common tao, you and me, are corrupt! Because we are not!
We do have corrupt officials. But so do other countries! We read of honest taxi drivers or janitors returning a handbag or wallet with cash/valuables.
Lino Paras has to go... He's a shame! And going around with his "Filipino muna..." adds to our (Filipino) troubles!
Let`s be frank. Filipinos are as corrupt as Germans and vice versa - perhaps it is only a difference in sums paid and where it starts.
I do not accept but I have every understanding for somebody to care for a family and does not even earn enough as a government official to keep a family and to have decent education for his children.
In this case it is the government which forces corruption by bad payment. I could continue this story for many other companies in the Philippines. As long as I do not earn enough for my good work even decent people will be open for corruption. Finish this and you will have done with about 80 % of the corruption, which leaves us with the greedy and criminal.
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