Good Morning,
Thanks for the input!
I'm a proud Pinoy but I never practice the so-called crab mentality!
I'm happy and proud when anyone, friend or foe, gets recognized for his/her
GOOD achievement. May they keep doing only GOOD things!
I'm going to act when someone is pushed around by a bully, STOP, if not
prevent it!
The oppressed will remain so, if we just fence sit and watch from a
...and mind you, there's no such thing as a SAFE distance! The world has
shrunk to just a village...
Time for action is always right, as the abuse is apparent or occurring!
Inaction, appeasement, complacency and the like, is SUPPORT to the
What if your family member or loved one is the victim?
And you, the relative, is not around?
We who are nearby, should simply watch, enjoy the show???
Or should we ask the victim for a case of beer, before we help?
Or make the victim promise to give us a medal, before we drive the
aggressor/s away?
Won't you SPEAK bitterly of us, "those who simply watched the horrific
incident, but did nothing!"?
Mr Pascua (Mr Christmas?), I still thank you for at least making your
Leadership calls for correct action at the right time!
And, remember, to act later may be TOO LATE.
Wishing you a healthy New Year 2007!
Rizal P. Victoria
Heidelberg, Germany
P.S. - If we didn't have a Dr Jose Rizal who penned his thoughts to teach us
how, we would have an Andres Bonifacio who chose to fight rather than simply
watch or submit! If these two did nothing, could it be we would still be
I don't know Mr Han Anemous personally. But his energy reveals his desire
to "change something for the better!"
Keep going Han...! Carry on... You earned my respect!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
By Rudy Noble - Philippine Associated Press - Cote d'Azur, 29 December 2006
Whereas, it is a “triumvirate” of Paras, Nollas and Alcoba (the first one who pretends to be the writer of “BORN TO BE A HERO”, the second the foreword and the third the announcement of the researcher-author-publisher) we are hereby denouncing them publicly for their unprecedented and un-chivalrous behavior to have willfully desecrated and compromised the good name and moral values of Rizal in the pursuit of their own self-serving motives for personal aggrandizement at the expense of their fellow knights and of the whole Filipino nation.
But we should never forget that they are only the tip of the iceberg in
It is the Supreme Council and the Council of Elders, who gave a damn to the new by-laws and elected/choose their candidates from a “Filipino Muna” list/proposal instead of the one oficially ratified by the European Council meeting res. the European Commander.
At least Sir Quiambao, the former Supreme Commander and now member of the Council of Elders knows Paras for ages and his “utang na loob” arrangement with him is no secret. He was the one responsible to decorate Paras with KGOR for the achievements of others. He must have known that the CV of Paras was faked all along as he personall knows Paras very well.
Are we all bearing the consequences now just because Sir Quiambao does not want to loose his face by admitting his mistakes like a true and valorous knight instead of a despicable coward and villain not even worthy to the title of a higly esteemed and respected attorney? What about Sir Esquerra? Now second most powerful man in the order, but before Supreme Trustee to Supreme Commander Sir Quiambao – member of the same council, who decorated Paras for nothing! Another one who is afraid to loose his face or still under the thumb of his former SC?
Anyway, what is Quiambao doing? As member of the Council of Elders he is part of our highest controlling organ of our order. Yet he is appointed to the Supreme Council in charge of the foreign chapters (to better safeguard and monitor Paras in Europe and the others in
Too many unsolved questions – too many not-yet-answered questions – the order does not seem to have changed for the better, but is heading for the worst.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The madness is not the White Knight's exposé on Paras. But the wrongs/abuses done by the latter still left unpunished to this day!
Good men leaving the KOR will please him no end! Because by then the HQ has no reason to sanction/reprimand the ONLY member/s they have (left in Europe!)!
The thought is terrible but possible!
Ergo: Good men should stay!
For the Good of the Order
For Pride in the Order
Rizal P. Victoria
Heidelberg, Germany
P.S. - Let's give Paras till 31 Dec 06 to rebut charges hurled against him by me in the Blog! If he is quiet till 31 Dec 06, we can declare his "admission of guilt" by default!!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Why look for someone difficult to find? I am here, I use my real name, I exist.
You can perhaps help Paras with my charges he squealed on a Kabayan, he padded his qualifications, even his so-called accomplisments(!) he didn't deserve an iota of respect from
anyone in the KOR, notably from me, for ignoring so many, inviting a chosen fewand lying/covering up about it.
He seems to have problems putting a straight sentence in English, Belgian (French or Flemish), or Pilipino. He would need someone's help!
He should be man enough to ANSWER my accusations! ... In order to obtain my respect!
Silence means quiet ADMISSION of guilt!
A person like Paras should be outside, not inside the KOR! He is a disservice to the honorable name of the Order. I'm ashamed to see him in place, by error of commission or ommission, as KOR European Commander!
For the Good of the Order
For Pride in the Order
Sir Rizal P. Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter
P.S. - may I request other knights in the know, to kindly forward my above short note to Paras and his ilk! I want to show/prove to Europeans, where I reside, not all Filipinos are corrupt like Paras and his sidekicks! Mr White Knight, pls add this e-mail above in your blog. For exposing Paras', you are serving the good interests of the KOR! Thank you!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
By Rudy Noble, Philippine Associated Press - Paris, 26 December 2006
Manong would never let himself to be categorically let down or held back by anybody no matter who he or she is for as long as he must get or obtain whatever he wants or aspires for in his pursuit of his ultimate goals for the sake of his personal crowning glory at all costs. As a matter of fact, it is the realization of his most-cherished dream and ambition from a former domestic with hardly a title or a diploma to his name to become a high-ranking official of a well-esteemed international organization in the name of Rizal!
Inasmuch as his image has been blown up notoriously in his home base during the course of the last few months from a series of irregularities and scandals that he himself had instigated and perpetrated personally, he has devised a very clever and cunning strategy to upstage the anniversary celebrations on the occasion of the death of Rizal that is scheduled to be held in the premises of the Philippine Embassy in Brussels on December 30. Through the recommendation and official endorsement of his most intimate and influential connections with the top officials at the Manila Head Office, he practically mobilized the Philippine Ambassador to France, who is also a member of the knights under his command, to requisition the embassy premises at his full disposal and carte blanche in order to organize a parallel celebration in Paris which he would foresee to be more grandiose and spectacular than Brussels which will be arranged and presided by his second man in command and to be attended mostly by the Belgian and other European members.
Although his plan is held in strict confidence among his close collaborators and his spiritual adviser who will officiate the solemn thanksgiving ceremony in his honor, there was a leak that the event will be attended mostly by Filipino members, followers and some European sympathizers. The highlight of the program will be his official consecration as the supreme commander and his awarding of the highest distinction in Europe that he ordered and drafted personally in advance from his benefactors in Manila, supposedly for his valuable contribution to the unity of the Order.
In conclusion, Manong has cleverly devised personally such a Machiavellian plan so that he could save his face and integrity from further embarrassment and humiliation by upstaging Brussels in order to regain the full confidence of whole members and to report to the Head Office that he ended the year in full control of his area of command as a competent leader. Who does he think he is fooling all along?
Monday, December 25, 2006
SCOOP! The Rizal Chapter of the KOR in Brussels, which was personally created by Paras in close collaboration with Alcoba and Nollas as well as with the blessing of Father Apollonio, was not invited to the annual awarding night at the Philippine Embassy on Thursday, December 21, 2006.
There was some rumor among the participants that they could have been snubbed or categorically NOT INVITED. Perhaps Paras would say or fabricate this time that the reason why he and his group wasn't able to go or attend was because they were all contaminated by a new specie of a debilitating virus so strong but not fatal fortunately that nailed them to their beds for days. LOL!
Special awards were given to the members of the other chapters of the Knights who attended and contributed to the success of the independence celebrations in Deinze last June 2006. More power to them!
STOP LINO'S MADNESS! Down with corruptors and manipulators! Mabuhay si RIZAL! Long live FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS!
Editor's Note: According to my official source, he will not be present at the Rizal celebrations in the Embassy premises on December 30.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
According to Wikipedia, the guiding principle of the knights is honor and one of the codes found in the book Chivalry by 19th century French historian Leon Gautier is “thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word.”
Unfortunately, the European chapter of the Knights of Rizal has been compromised and beset by dissension and frustration under the contentious leadership of a handpicked group of incompetent individuals with limited educational and professional background and void of scruples and principles who pretends to uphold and foster the teachings of Rizal. They promised to unify the Order as well as the community but instead subvert it by using indiscriminately the honorific title as a knight only for their self-serving goals of personal aggrandizement at the expense of others.
In order to save his image and credibility, Lino has been telling everyone that his curriculum vitae was tampered and exaggerated by a third party. What has Manila HQ done so far about this? Has it ever made any official investigation into the discrepancies he referred to between the original copy that he sent personally in 2001 and the one published in the blog? In case that there were no differences whatsoever, how could a highly respectable and esteemed personality like Quiambao, Esguerra or members of the screening committee be fooled so easily that they approved his appointment and still maintain it up to the present? Is it because that they don’t want to be accused of having their head up their ass while their appointee is having a great time by himself laughing out loud behind their back for their stupidity because of their incompetence in exchange of their lifetime gratitude (utang na loob) regardless of their enviable position of power and higher education? I wonder how do the criteria of their screening and appointing committee function? Is it by qualification or by connection? What a great shame and disgrace in the name of Rizal on how the Filipinos who think of themselves to be intelligent could have fallen much lower than the caliber of Lino that was appointed easily with hardly any knowledge about the hero! Who’s fooling who at this point, in the end?
As to the question of his politics for the unity of the knights and of the community, why did he make a stink with the CDA for having been practically ignored and then organized another independence celebration instead of joining forces with the one that was officially endorsed and sponsored by the embassy? Was it because he wanted to challenge and defy the embassy officials to show them that he couldn’t care less if he weren’t the one in charged personally? Such an un-chivalrous and un-gentlemanly act or gesture that he had willfully showed and committed on this occasion is far from being worthy for a knight, particularly with his high-sounding title and position in the name of Rizal!
If he had really worked as a programmer at the BBL, how would he ever explain from his professional experience and expertise that any crazy maniac persons could possibly block his computer and deviate his emails unless if he had given away his secret password, thus making himself an accomplice-to-the-fact and should be fully made responsible to such an ignominious act? If he could easily make a fool of you with all of his lies and deceptions, who does he think he would blame or fool this time?
With due respect to your position and authority, you must be aware that Rizal did not die and sacrifice his life only for self-aggrandizement, but to see his own people be freed and united in equality and justice from tyranny and oppression under a foreign rule. Please show to the world that the
As a sign of gratitude for his greatness to what he had done to us, let’s give him due respect and honor. May he rest in peace!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Never be fooled or manipulated so easily as to whatever you might hear from Manong, most particularly the contents of his curriculum vitae (CV), unless he could justify and assume all what he had written in it. There’s a common proverb that goes “it’s easier said than done.”
My name is Heidi and a former close collaborator and confidant of Manong. As a result of an unfortunate turn of circumstance, I quit his organization after I was practically ignored and humiliated, then subsequently branded as a persona non grata at the embassy, when I only proposed his name and tried to defend him that being the most senior and highly respected leader of the whole community he should have the right and privilege to represent the welcoming committee for the Presidential visit in September. How could I ever show my face now when I have the growing sentiment that I’ve been accused of having my head up my ass? What does he think I am, a headless pirate? How dare him!
I was a newcomer when I first met him at the embassy in the 80s and I didn’t know who he really was because he seemed to be very nice and helpful to everyone as he knew personally all the staff members, even the ambassador himself. However, I began to notice the faults that were showing from the surface of his true personality as the time goes by. All of a sudden, my whole trust in him was shattered when I read his CV!
If he ever wanted to keep or hide his humble beginning, why did he write that he was “sponsored” by a rich baron instead of having been brought over as a part of the diplomatic baggage together with his late first wife to work as domestics in castle of his employer in Kortrijk? Did he do it intentionally just to elevate himself to feel so important that he would easily pass for a sophisticated and successful person in order to realize his most cherished ambition to be appointed to a higher position in the knights? Isn’t he totally aware that all of those who came at the same time as him knew him very well even if he’d exaggerate his CV on his personal and educational backgrounds as well as his professional accomplishments and his impressive list of references that was unusually dated without any respective addresses for eventual follow-up with high-sounding names and titles that included the Belgian sovereign, aristocrats, millionaires, ministers, ambassadors and businessmen. Where else did he meet them? Of course, during the performance of his domestic duties mostly, as a matter of fact! When the nurses visited the embassy in the early 70s for a courtesy call, he was ordered to prepare coffee and serve snacks in his function as a part-time janitor and helper. Why then did he willfully omit to mention his origin? Is it because he is so ashamed to be treated as such that he doesn’t want to be a part of it any more? Does the work of a domestic have already become so despicable and disgusting to him in his present status that he detests being called or referred to as one of THEM?
Pending confirmation to the fact, who in his right mind would ever believe him at face value that he really finished high school at Arellano for 3 years, BSE at UST for 1 year, AB at ULB for 1 year and even a master’s at ULB for 1 year? What did he think of all those institutions? Fly by night? Diploma mills? Through the words of praise and adulation of his closed henchmen, he proclaimed himself with strong personal conviction that he’s the author, researcher and publisher of “Born to be a hero.” In order to give him an aura of legitimacy and respectability, he also got the undivided support and blessing of a certain Father Solomon in exchange of material rewards and accommodations that immediately became more and more dependent on him and could always be at his beck and call around the clock! I heard he even extracted money from the nurses and insisted that he should get the sum of not less than 500 euros during the mass at their reunion celebrations in
I heard from the grapevine that he willfully denied to be the author, writer and publisher of the manuscript for fear that he could be sued for copyright violation which could likely compromise his integrity and credibility, thus eventually losing his prestigious title as commander of the Order! Contrary to his best friends’ declarations, I’m so glad that he duly admitted that he’s not a writer even if he was the one who was the principal perpetrator behind the preparation and publication of the manuscript! How could he pretend he’s good in English, French, Flemish, Spanish, Italian and other Philippine dialects when he couldn’t even speak and write his own language correctly? There's no need to ask for hard proofs or credentials, but just only watch and listen to him talk or speak in any of those languages he mentioned and you'll see clearly for yourself what kind of a person he really is in the end!
Worse yet, he didn’t spare his children who haven’t finished their studies by bragging that they are “accountant” and “journalist”! How very pretentious he is, isn’t he? What’s still worst on top of all of these cock-a-doodle-doo’s extravaganzas was the fact known to everybody that he practically disinherited them of half of the share of his late wife from the proceeds of the sale of their conjugal property. From what he wrote in his email, his right-hand man was too right to say that “money knows no kin.” If he didn’t have any remorse or scruple at all on what he has done to them regardless of the degree of their kinship, what then would the others expect in the long run from their allegiance of loyalty to him?
Perhaps, many have never forgotten yet the big scandal that befell unfortunately to the former ambassador who was forced to leave his post in shame and was obliged to accept a much inferior position in a 2nd-rate consulate which was the only available post he could get before retiring. Everyone must have known that the biggest and most monumental mistake that he had ever committed during his whole career as a brilliant diplomat was only to become a very close and intimate friend of Manong. So as a friendly advice, no matter how modest or important you are, you should be careful in dealing with him.
In case you want to receive a complete copy of the CV, please don’t hesitate to contact us and don’t also forget to read the other articles concerning “Born to be a hero” in Thank you for your kind attention and consideration.
Editor’s Note: I heard from an official source that he’s putting the blame on one of his colleagues who repaired his computer for tampering and exaggerating the entries in his CV as well as on the crazy maniacs he fabricated from his fertile imagination to utilize as scapegoats for blocking his computer and deviating his emails. What a clever scheme and pretext that he cunningly devised in order to bail himself out from all the troubles he created personally in the first place so that he could save his credibility at all costs but at somebody's expense! Was he really a programmer at BBL or in reality just an ordinary janitor and/or security guard with an outsourcing company stationed in the bank's premises?
Friday, December 15, 2006
ARIES. You can expect a particularly happy, easy-going phase of your life when friendships could play a fairly major role in your affairs. Business partnerships look promising while your romantic life is well aspected with perhaps marriage taking place at the end of this period.
TAURUS. You should be feeling extremely happy and confident under this period when many people choose to marry, set up home or start their families while others change job or move home. The three most important keywords for this phase are change, happiness and love, in any order.
GEMINI. This is the right time to do battle for what is wanted. Off with the kid gloves and stop defending yourself with excuses! This is the only way that you will ever be victorious. Once you have shown your teeth people will think twice before they try to fob you off with petty excuses again.
CANCER. You should try to practice economy whenever possible under this phase and store away any plans for the future until matters pick up again and your circumstances improve.
LEO. This promises to be a particularly fertile phase in your life when seeds sown for the future are sure to take root and grow into success and abundance. It is also a good time to consider entering into marriage or starting a family, should you feel so inclined. You should endeavor to convert your ideas into reality – the rewards for a productive intellect could be especially great at this time!
VIRGO. You tend to want more from life than what you have found already. Established pursuits and relationships tend to lose their former attraction and the search begins for something new and altogether more fulfilling at all levels. This quest for new experience is a beneficial move which should evoke many rewards in the rather more distant future.
LIBRA. During this period you should be able to sit back a little and really enjoy your achievements. You could always use this breathing space to plan what your next move should be. Your private life should also settle down and the need to be continually proving yourself to your partner should gradually fade away, leaving you a more relaxed person.
SCORPIO. Your private life should be so stress-free and settled at this time that you may even feel inclined to start making new, rather ambitious plans for the future. Family gatherings are indicated and as happiness is also highlighted during this period these get-togethers will most probably b weddings, christenings or anniversary parties.
SAGITTARIUS. During this period few things will go smoothly. Be prepared for delays, cancellations and a great deal of wasted time. There could also be some problems in your private life which will need careful handling if you wish to continue your present relationship. Fortunately a positive outcome is also quite likely when something much better and longer lasting can be established.
CAPRICORN. Many challenging situations will crop up when least expected. You will need all you courage to deal with them. Keep a firm control of matters as once you lose this your opponents will be able to take the upper hand. Troubles will be your constant companions during this period but don’t despair too much as they will all pass, leaving you a stronger character for the experience!
AQUARIUS. You should expect to encounter a few minor problems which will need to be solved. Some extra responsibilities may also be temporarily placed upon your shoulders for which you should receive adequate compensation. Your health should be particularly good at this time and you should endeavor to channel all your surplus energy into a project which is both useful and creative.
PISCES. This period indicates advancement, material gain and assistance. Careers in particular should prosper, especially if someone influential chooses to put in a good word for you. Your financial affairs should also take a turn for the better – it may even be possible to put something away for your old age. However, there could likely be a slight element of risk and you would be very unwise to do anything foolish no matter how well things seem to be going for you.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

WTA No. 1 Justine Henin-Hardenne (24 years old) of Belgium was designated champion for 2006 by International Tennis Federation (ITF) and UNESCO.
Already awarded in 2003, she was the winner at Roland-Garros and Madrid Masters. She won 6 titles: Roland-Garros, Sidney, Dubai, Eastbourne, New Haven and the Masters and ended the year as the World's No. 1.
On December 14, 2006, UNESCO's General Director Kochiro Matsuura will designate her as champion for sport at Roland-Garros. Through this nomination, she will contribute her support to fight against doping and to educate the future athletes on the ethics of sport as well as consolidate the ties and interaction between education, prevention, ethics and human rights.
More power to you Justine for giving a great service and honor to your country and to the world as well and making me proud to be a Belgian!
For more information, log on to: and
Monday, December 11, 2006
Kailanman ay huwag kayong maniniwala at magpapaloko sa ano mang mga idinadaldal ni Manong, lalung-lalo na ang kaniyang “curriculum vitae” (CV), hangga’t hindi pa niya napatutunayan at napaninindigan ang lahat ng mga sinasabi at isinusulat niya. Mayroon kasabihan na madali ang magsalita, mahirap ang gumawa!
Ako po ay si Heidi na dating matalik na kapatas ni Manong, ngunit kusa akong humiwalay sa kaniyang samahan dahil sa napahiya ako nang lubusan noong binali-wala ako sa “embassy” at nadale pa ako na maging “personna non grata” nang binanggit ko ang kaniyang pangalan at ipinagtanggol ko na dapat siya ang may karapatan na mamuno sa mga sasalubong sa pagdating ng Pangulo noong nakaraang tatlong buwan. Papaano ko pa maipakikita ang aking pagmumukha ngayon, kung ako pala ay naglalakad ng walang ulo? Ano ang akala niya sa akin, tulisang pugot? Que barbaridad!
Ako’y bagong
Kung talagang nais niyang itago at ipagtakpan ang hamak niyang pinanggalingan, bakit sinulat pa niya na “sponsored” daw siya noong mayamang Baron sa pagpunta dito kung ang katotohanan na umaabot sa mga kakilala niya ay dinala lamang siya kasama ang kaniyang pumanaw na asawa upang magtrabaho bilang katulong sa kastilyo ng kaniyang amo. Kusa ba niyang ginawa ito para lamang magpalapad ng papel at ipakita na mataas na tao siya upang makamtam niya ang matagal niyang pinapangarap na maging pangulo? Nang dumating ang mga “nurses” noong mga taon ng ‘70s siya ang inutusan na magsilbi sa kanila sa embassy. Alam niya na ang lahat na mga nakasabay niyang dumating dito ay kilalang-kilala ang kaniyang tunay na pagkatao kahit ba na pagandahin pa niya ang kaniyang CV. Kailanman ay hindi na niya kusang aaminin at babanggitin na siya ay dating katulong katulad ng mga kaibigan and kasapi niya. Bakit? Nahihiya na ba siya dahil sa ang tingin niya sa mga katulong ay mga hampas-lupa na ang ginagawa nila ay marumi at nakapangdidiri?
Sino pa sa mga matitino ng isipan ang maniniwala na nagtapos siya ng mataas na paaralan sa Arellano ng tatlong taon lamang? isang taon ng BSE sa UST? isang taon ng BA sa ULB? at Masters pa daw sa ULB? Anong taas ng ihi niya! Ano naman ang akala niya sa mga paaralan na pinagbabanggit niya? Patakbuhin? «Diploma mills»? Ang masahol pa ay ipinagmayabang pa na “author,” “researcher” at “publisher” daw siya ng «Born to be a hero» sa pamamagitan ng tulong ng kaniyang mga matatalik na kasapi at sa benediksiyon ng kaniyang kaibigang pare na madali niyang utuin dahil siya daw ang bumubuhay sa kaniya! Ang biyaya ba ng langit ay binabayaran pa? Anong talagang kakapal na kanilang mukha at hiya, ano?
Datapuwat narinig ko na hindi niya kusang inamin na siya ang sumulat dahil sa natakot na maidemanda siya ng “plagiarism” at mawalan pa sa kaniya nang tuluyan ang mataas na karangalan ng bilang komander daw. Kung sa sarili niyang wika na Tagalog ay balu-baluktot na ang kaniyang pagsulat at pagsalita, hindi na siya kinilabutan na ipagmalaki pa rin niya na marunong at magaling daw siya ng English, French, Flemish, Spanish, Italian at iba’t ibang wika ng Pilipinas.
Marahil ay hindi pa nakalilimutan ng marami ang malaking alingasngas na nangyari sa dating ambassador na kusang napilitan siyang umalis dahil sa hiya at tanggapin na lamang niya ang isang napakababang katungkulan sa isang 2nd-rate consulate sapagkat ang kaniyang napakalaking kamalian lamang ay naging kaibigang matalik ni Manong! Kaya, kahit gaano kababa o kataas ng inyong katayuan ay dapat kayong mag-ingat nang lubusan!
Kung sakali naman ay nais ninyong mabasa ng buong CV ni Manong, sumulat na lamang kayo at huwag ninyo namang kalilimutan na basahin ang iba’t ibang lathalain tungkol sa “Born to be hero” sa Maraming pong salamat sa inyong lahat.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Let me start with a quotation from Bess Myerson, a columnist in New York: "The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference."1 Apathy, fence sitting, indifference indeed strengthens evil. Apathy is a very common occurrence, it is everywhere and it happens all the time. Let us just take a leisurely walk along Mönckebergstrasse on a normal business day. A thief snatches an old woman’s handbag; the old woman holds onto it like dear life. The snatcher takes a hard swing with his other fist and forces the old woman down, who loses her balance and her hold on her handbag. Meanwhile, everyone else just stares with uncaring mien while some even look away. Of course, I am quite confident someone will, after the initial shock, go to the aid of the old lady. However, when and if no one does anything – that is apathy. Our indifference to the crime makes us as accomplices.
Nearer to home, to our organization, to our Order, the same can be true. Apathy, as in many cases, may not be easily detectable. It can escape attention and interest. This can happen with the lack of information about an important matter, the remoteness of a subject of contention, or even inadvertence and simple indifference. Whatever it might be – they all fall under apathy. It is my belief that we cannot be an island in an ocean of Knights of Rizal, of the European Knights, of the international knighthood. We should not have joined the Order if we only think that the only order of the day is what we have been used to: having grill parties, inducting officers and new members; or raising funds for some good purpose. Please do not think that I am proposing that we should now rid ourselves of these activities. No, we should not – I myself enjoy very many such activities and we shall continue to do the same in the same vigour and intensity.
However, in indulging ourselves in such activities we must also consider that it is not enough for one to be called truly a Rizalian, if we do not look beyond our borders, beyond the chapter. We cannot isolate ourselves and be content that whatever happens outside our chapter is not our business. Let me digress for a moment. In the years before the two world wars, America had a policy of isolationism. The American public was not interested in the genocide and devastation raging outside its borders. If you know your history, it eventually had to get involved. Although it is not easy to make a similarity, we as members, using the words of Sir Manny Bade of the Scarborough chapter in Canada, of a "pre-eminent organization," we should get involved in any matter of importance affecting the Order.
You might ask me, "What is Rizalian in looking beyond our borders?" I am wont to ignore such a question but I will not. I will answer it. Rizal’s insatiate interest in the cultures of other peoples, of other nations; his travels and his studies were all for the benefit of his beloved country. The least we can do, as true Rizalians, is to be concerned with any matter that involves the Order, not only within the chapter but also beyond – with other chapters, with the regional and the international scene. We cannot claim to be knights of Rizal if we are adamantly isolationists. We cannot escape the globalization of the Order, too. We must realize and accept that apathy has no place in our Order.
1 Bess Myerson (b. 1924), U.S. government official, columnist. Quoted in: Claire Safran, "Impeachment?" (published in Redbook, New York, April 1974).
Editor's Note: Thanks to the courtesy of the Knights of Rizal (
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you.
Here goes:
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Because of recent abductions
In daylight hours, refresh yourself
Of these things to do
In an emergency situation...
This is for you,
And for you to share
With your wife,
Your children,
Everyone you know.
After reading these 9 crucial tips,
Forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful
In this crazy world we live in.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do:
The elbow
Is the strongest point
On your body.
If you are close enough to use it,
2. Learned this from a tourist guide
In New Orleans ....
If a robber asks
For your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are
That he is more interested
In your wallet and/or purse
Than you,
And he will go
For the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown
Into the trunk of a car,
Kick out the back tail lights
And stick your arm out the hole
And start waving like crazy.
The driver won't see you,
But everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency
To get into their cars after shopping,
Eating, working, etc.,
And just sit (doing their checkbook,
Or making a list, etc.
The predator
Will be watching you,
And this is the perfect opportunity
For him to get in
On the passenger side,
Put a gun to your head,
And tell you where to go.
a. If someone
Is in the car
With a gun
To your head
Instead gun the engine
And speed into anything,
Wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is
In the back seat
They will get the worst of it.
As soon as the car crashes
Bail out and run.
It is better than having them
Find your body
In a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting
Into your car in a parking lot,
Or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
Look around you,
Look into your car,
At the passenger side floor,
And in the back seat
B..) If you are parked next to a big van,
Enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims
By pulling them into their vans
While the women are attempting
To get into their cars.
C..) Look at the car
Parked on the driver's side
Of your vehicle,
And the passenger side.
If a male is sitting alone
In the seat nearest your car,
You may want to walk back
Into the mall, or work,
And get a guard/policeman
To walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
Take the elevator
Instead of the stairs.
(Stairwells are horrible places
To be alone
And the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun
And you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you
(a running target)
4 in 100 times;
And even then,
It most likely
Be a vital organ.
Preferably !
In a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women,
We are always trying
To be sympathetic:
It may get you raped,
Or killed.
Ted Bundy,
The serial killer,
Was a good-looking,
Well educated man,
Who ALWAYS played
On the sympathies
Of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane,
Or a limp,
And often asked
"for help"
Into his vehicle
Or with his vehicle,
Which is when he abducted
His next victim.
************* Here it is *******
9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me
That her friend heard
A crying baby on her porch
The night before last,
And she called the police
Because it was late
And she thought it was weird.
The police told her
"Whatever you do,
Open the door."
The lady
Then said that
It sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window,
and she was worried
that it would crawl
to the street
and get run over.
The policeman said,
"We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do,
DO NOT open the door."
He told her that they think
a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded
and uses it to coax
women out of their homes
thinking that someone
dropped off a baby
He said they have not verified it,
but have had several calls
by women saying that
they hear baby's cries
outside their doors
when they're home alone
at night.
Please pass this on and
open the door
for a crying baby ----
e-mail should probably
be taken seriously because
the Crying Baby theory
was mentioned on
America's Most Wanted
this past Saturday
when they profiled
the serial killer in Louisiana .
I'd like you
to forward this
to all the women you know.
It may save a life.
A candle is not dimmed
by lighting another candle.
I was going to send this to the ladies only,
but guys,
If you love your mothers,
daughters, etc.,
you may want to
pass it onto them, as well.
Send this
to any woman you know
that may need
to be reminded
that the world we live in
has a lot of crazies in it
and it's better to be safe