When we try our best and it feels like we’ve tried so hard but gotten only so far
We can’t help but feel like we need someone to lean on
When we try and feel like we need someone to lean on, we try to hide away
Hoping that the people we can lean on will not see us in our despair
As we try we try so hard to do our best even when we feel like our best
Is not enough to given the outcome
As we try and feel like we have gotten only so far we find that we have friends that
Are willing to show us that we have gotten further than we thought
When we try, we show that we can be the ones to lean on when others
Think that their attempts are in vain when they have tried so hard
As we try we show that when we try so hard we cannot loose it all even
When we start to feel small from it not going our way
When we try, we are never alone in anything we do and we are shown by others that
Even when we think only went so far that we went much further than we thought
And in the end as we’ve tried and leaned on others we learn that those we depended on
Were leaning on us as well drawing from our strength in turn giving us strength
With the kind courtesy and permission of Sean Davis
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