Friday, September 29, 2006


When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Please share this with someone you care about. I JUST DID

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Dear Rasheed,

Thank you for your holistic and analytical lens at looking at issues related to the nursing leakage. It is heartening and very comforting to note that there are still media advocates who believe in our cause. Comrades from all over the country call us, The Baguio Braves because we dared come out against the giants when we said, “there is a leakage” in the last June 11-12 nursing licensure examinations.

In one of our public statements, we, The Baguio Braves Alliance, whose members include those who exposed the leakage in the June 2006 local nursing board examination and nursing leaders, denounces in the strongest possible terms the reckless manner with which the Professional Regulation Commission handled the fraud that attended the said professional test. Particularly, we take notice of the following:

1. PRC exerted every possible effort to cover up the fraud. Even if it had overwhelming evidence thereof in its hand, it still audaciously claimed in a public statement that there was no leakage.
2. When it could not cover up the leakage, it insisted on conducting the investigation amidst resounding calls for an independent investigating body. What were the fruits of the PRC investigation? Nothing. It only acknowledged that there was leakage but it could not determine the culprits. Was this an admission of PRC incompetence? Or was its decision to turn over the investigation to the NBI occasioned by the fact that it stumbled upon evidences that could implicate “friends and associates” and did not want to be the one to nail them? Pontius Pilate still lives!
3. It prematurely released the result of the board exam, never mind if several questions remained unresolved. In correcting the papers, it applied a statistical treatment that made a mockery of the standards of the nursing profession. Imagine arbitrarily assigning scores to a core nursing subject!
4. When invited to the Senate for inquiry, PRC Chair Leonor Tripon-Rosero agreed to attend. But there was a condition: she and the other Commisioners should be given the list of the questions to be asked. (This was witnessed by Dr. Erlinda Castro-Palaganas and Atty. Cheryl Daytec-Yañgot.) Even elementary school pupils are not entitled to that privilege!
5. PRC swiftly conducted an oath-taking of the board passers to overtake the action of the judicial branch on the issue of validity of the results of the board examination. The kangaroo court that convicted Jose Rizal was not as fast!
6. After the Court of Appeals issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) preventing PRC from administering oaths to the June board passers, it launched a signature campaign among the passers for the junking of the retake position. It is sickening that the very agency mandated to ensure the standards of the different Philippine professions is the one spearheading the submission of the determination of nurses’ competence to a game of numbers. Is the competence of the nurses an election matter that will be decided by numbers and not by standards?

Every move of the PRC gives rise to more problems. The current crop of Commissioners is obviously incompetent and without iota of respect for the law. And yet, why do they behave with seeming impunity? Why do they stick to their positions like leeches? If they have any decency left in them, they should resign! The Philippine nursing profession’s image has been dented by the leakage issue and PRC’s actions have further battered it.

The leakage is an eye-opener. It exposed the bitter truth that our government is groping in the dark in its handling of fraud. It tells us that cheating is endemic in our system. And it also shows the damage wrought by a commercialized and substandard nursing education. The Commission on Higher Education has in recent years further liberalized and deregulated the operation of nursing schools. This resulted in substandard nursing education whose products are not adequately prepared to deliver quality health services, let alone pass a board examination. Because of the competition among them, review schools resort to all means to up their passing rates and the unscrupulous ones even buy and give leakage in their effort to gain comparative advantage over the others. At the end of the day, profit is the name of the game. Worse, when students pass the board exam, the same is attributed to the review school and not to one’s alma mater!

Philippine society is now confronted with the issue of whether or not the June 2006 examinees should retake or not. The honest examinees who passed never deserved the aggravation of facing the prospect of losing their licenses. Had the PRC first explained its criterion standards in checking the examination and accommodated and resolved all objections thereto before it released the result, the competence of the current board passers would not be covered by a cloud of doubt. With the questionable statistical treatment adopted by the PRC, even the exam result is now being questioned. Board passers cannot find jobs because the hospitals and other prospective employers doubt their competence. If reports are to be believed, patients are even asking the attending nurses if the latter belong to the June 2006 batch. We cannot blame the patients because one’s life cannot be subjected to chance. But the stigma is also something that the batch does not deserve.

The Baguio Braves Alliance commiserates with the board passers. If we ask them to retake, they will suffer an injustice. They will go through the same stress associated with taking an examination, not to mention the costs they will necessarily incur. If they will not retake, they will likewise suffer the injustice of their capabilities being doubted by the public. This early, employers have sounded off loud and clear that they will not hire nurses who became so by virtue of passing the June board exam. What good then would the nurse’ license be if it is a stumbling block to the his/her employability?

In other words, the passers of the June exams are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Painful as it may be, retaking the spoiled portions- Tests III and V- of the examination is the less unjust course to adopt. This gives the examinees the opportunity to shake off the stigma caused by the leakage, assures them that employers will not turn them away because of the conviction that they are incompetent, and regains the integrity of the nursing profession. The retake must happen soon because the examinees’ fate cannot remain in a state of suspended animation.

Let not the debate on whether or not the June passers should retake detract us from a more compelling concern – the liability of those responsible for the mess we are in. We call on all decent Filipinos to help us urge the government to go after the perpetrators. We urge fellow nurses and professionals who care for the nursing profession like the UST group led by Prof. Rene Tadle and Dante Ang, to realize that the leakage in the Nursing Boards is just a symptom that involves several players namely: Review Centers that are proliferating and unregulated; resorting to all kinds of marketing; charging exorbitant review fees; Nursing schools that are mushrooming with thousands of enrollees and churning out thousands of graduates; and Board of Nursing certain members of whom are ‘fraternizing’ with owners of review centers. We urged comrades in this struggle to look at the bigger picture such as the increasing commercialization of nursing education. With the latest count of nursing schools in the Philippines of 475, the profit orientation in running the schools manifested in high tuition fees, point to the survival of business interests as the primary motive. The regulation of schools are not enforced because of gargantuan factors such pressures from politicians, Malacanang and prominent owners of schools/Businessmen. This leads to more pressing issues such as “flying deans”, unqualified faculty to teach; increase faculty to student ratio; lack of base hospitals/clinical facilities for student training; and mediocre graduates. It must be noted that proliferation of nursing schools does not lead to increasing number of qualified nurses who pass the Boards.

We must acknowledge that the reasons behind the commercialization of the Nursing Education are rooted to the Foreign demand for Filipino nurses that leads to migration/nurse exodus to countries that promise high salary & incentives. The pull factors for this scenario include the high salary (at least USD 3,000/month) and the Global nursing crisis (fewer women train or remain in nursing workforce in developed countries, favoring improved job opportunities in other sectors). The push factors include economic crises; unstable political condition; and the general climate of hopelessness. This is not to discount the fact that there is the export policy of the government, nurses bringing in the much needed dollars to prop up the shrinking economy; overseas contract labor/employment. On top of this is the obligation of the Phil government to observe GATS-WTO (General Agreement on Trade & Services of the World Trade Organization) obligations and commitments. Health services and health professionals are identified as commercial good & services that can be traded across & among countries in need of additional health care services, just like the sectors in banking and finance, education, communication, and tourism. Thus, nursing education and movement/distribution of nurses are dictated by local & foreign economic forces and government policy.

We urge examinees blinded by the selfish motivation of “no retake” stand and other colleagues in the nursing profession to understand the implications/effects of this nursing situation and realize that these root causes lead to the following: deterioration of the quality of nursing education and its decreasing relevance; health care crisis (threat to safe nursing practice due to incompetent graduates; loss of trained & experienced nurses as an effect of migration; high nurse-patient ratio; and closure of hospitals & other health care facilities due lack/no health care workers to run the facilities); continuing deterioration of the health status of the Filipinos; and the commodification of health vs. health as a basic human right.

It is for the above analysis of the nursing leakage issue/concern that we urge every concerned nurse and advocate to continue to question actions of PRC & BON in their attempts to “tone down” the leakage scam; conduct education fora among nursing faculty, students and alumni; organize groups of concerned nurses and nursing students; pursue legal battle against those who are in involved in the leakage scam; strategically, initiate reforms in nursing education to maintain educational standards; propose legislation to regulate review centers; and work for mechanisms for self regulation within the profession. Collectively, let us call on the government to pass stricter measures to prevent incidents like this in the future.

Change does not come in a silver platter. We have to work for it. It is a struggle that can be a painful process. Meaningful changes can not happen if we choose to remain in our comfort zones. If we do not maximize this opportunity, we loose the battle forever.

Thank you, Rasheed, for taking time to read this litany. Talking about the situation of my profession nowadays gives me a high. I just feel sad and frustrated when fellow nurses give color to our struggle. I see this to be protracted struggle, but we will pursue. Fighting for the truth is victory in itself. No harm passing on the light.

In service of the Filipino nurses and people,

For the Baguio Braves

Erlinda Castro-Palaganas, RN, Ph.D.
Past PNA Governor, Region I
Adviser, PNA Baguio City Chapter and PNA Regional Council – I and CAR
Director, Institute of Management, University of the Philippines Baguio


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Geraldine Serina (38), a former Franciscan nun from the Philippines, got married to Maurizio Degortes (33), of Olbia, Sardegna in a civil ceremony last September 2. On the other hand, the religious rite has already been scheduled to take place early next year.

This unusual “love story” started in 2004 through a SMS message of encouragement and moral support that Maurizio addressed to a friend but was accidentally sent by mistake when he misdialed the last number. Sister Geraldine, who was stationed at that time in their convent in Palermo, was having a vocational crisis when she received the message. Somehow, it moved her almost to tears as she read through the following phrases: “Be strong as life is and should not be a tragedy! You’d see that tomorrow will be a better day.” She duly acknowledged it with thanks and gratitude that had made him too happy and contented to what he did. Subsequently, this was followed by a series of messages and later by conversations between them as if they had known each other for years, until the day when she realized that she was in love for the first time!

When Maurizio finally discovered that she was a nun, he was confused and disheartened. Nonetheless, he did all his best to convince her not to renounce her vows because he had felt a strong inner sense of guilt and remorse from the thought of taking away a bride of Christ. For him, such a transgression was neither fair nor possible. Meanwhile, the profound sentiment they have for each other had grown so strong and intense that they couldn’t overcome it anymore.

By the order of her Mother Superior, she had to leave the convent and go back to the Philippines. In the meantime, the parish priest who became her spiritual adviser contacted Maurizio by telephone and talked to him at length about himself and his good intention toward Geraldine. He arranged them to meet at the airport before she was about to board the plane to return home. When they met in January 2005 for the first time, she couldn’t believe how so young he looked like that she thought he could have had been sent by the person with whom she always communicated on the telephone. They exchanged a few words and promised that they would be seeing each other again in Italy in a few months’ time.

Source: Cristina Pace, Dopo Dio, sposo il mio Maurizio. Photos: Marco Iacobucci


Q: Ano ang sabi ng bangus nang mamamatay na siya?
A: I'm daing!

Q: Ano ang sabi ng isda nang hiwain siya sa gitna?
A: I'm tuna

Q: Ano ang tawag kapag sinuot mo ang kanang sapatos sa kaliwang paa at ang kaliwang sapatos sa kanang paa?
A: Malicious

Q: Sino ang unang arkitekto?
A: Si Eba, kasi siya ang unang nagpatayo.

Q: Sino ang unang estudyante?
A: Si Adan, kasi siya ang unang pumasok.

Q: Bakit mas matataba ang mga may asawang lalaki kaysa sa mga walang asawang lalaki?
A: Kasi ang mga walang asawang lalaki, pag-uwi, titingnan ang laman ng ref niya at kapag walang nakita, humihiga na lang sa kama para matulog. Ang may asawa, pag-uwi, titingnan ang kama at makikita ang misis nila, pumupunta na lang sa kusina para buksan ang ref nila.

Q: Ano ang pinagkaiba ng lalaking tumataya sa lotto at ang lalaking nakikipag-away sa misis niya.
A: Mas malaki ang tsansa ng lalaking manalo sa lotto kaysa sa pakikipag-away sa misis niya.

Q: What's the difference between a kiss, a car, and a monkey
A: A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear, a monkey is you my dear.

Q: What will happen to a wooden car with a wooden wheel and a wooden engine?
A: It wooden start.

Something to reckon while you're in a deep thought while in the toilet dumping...............

Different sounds of WOMEN's urine:
Single: I wisssshh.
Widowed: I misssss.
Old Maid: Pliiissss.
Married: alwyssss.
Separated: bwissss ssit!

Sperm and Mayonnaise have a lot in common:
First, both are spreadable,
2nd, both are rich in protein,
3rd, both came from eggs
at syempre

Man: Why did u make a woman beautiful?
God: So you will love her.
Man: But why did u make her stupid?
God: So she will love you.

3 ladies in OB-GYNE Waiting Room
Lady 1: I'm sure I'll have a baby boy coz I was on top!
Lady 2: Mine is a girl coz we did it sideways.
Lady 3: (crying) I hope mine is not a dog!

A Woman's Prayer
"Mga anghel na nasa langit
Pakibantay po ang aking singit
Naway hindi po makadikit,
Ang kanino mang it-it
Lalo na kung maliliit."

Wrong Office
A woman walks into the dentist's office, takes off her underwear, sits down on the chair and spreads her legs wide open. "You made a mistake," says the shocked dentist, "the gynecologist's office is one level higher." To that the woman replies, "No mistake, you installed my husband's dentures last week, now you'll be the one getting them out."

Manok: ilang araw na lang, Pasko na, iihawin na ako.
Baboy: ako rin, malapit narin akong kakatayin! nanay ko po.
Manok: Mabuti pa itong unggoy na 'to, pabasa basa na lang ng email!


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Fate has kept me offline for an eternity (more than a month). Yesterday, for the first time my router signalled that I am back into the Internet – our La Solidaridad. I received more than 312 email (only a small portion was of consequence). Almost all of the remaining non-junk, non-spam mail dealt with the name PARAS (not even an email from my folks in California!) – just PARAS. Who is this man, who seems to be trying to rob us of better things to do – well, in all due respect – as I do not know this man personally – a man accused of plagiarism and other dishonourable acts – has been appointed as the new regional commander of the OKOR in Europe. Immediately, we ask ourselves – with all the accusations flying around, shouldn’t he decline taking that post until he clears himself or is cleared of the smear?

After diligently reading into all these exchanges – it cannot escape anyone’s sensibility that the Order has plunged into a new – its own - Dark Ages. I can assure you, my brothers that Rizal is fidgeting in his grave. We are doing him injustice – $+#!!&+# - I cannot even find the right words to express my extreme disappointment with the turn of events.

We, knights of Rizal, of the European theatre - should we not also withhold celebration and suspend acknowledgement of the appointment until the clouds hanging over the appointee dissipates? I cannot imagine myself heaving my glass to his glory nor can I follow him with a good conscience without losing my own self-respect. He is innocent until found guilty….a truism. However, what if he is indeed guilty of the misbehaviour (legal minds think otherwise – a crime)? What would be the entire charade for, if the truth outs? It is incumbent upon the man to come out and repudiate the accusations. When he finally clears himself – we should all make a “pilgrimage” and offer him the respect that his office as Regional Commander requires. We will fully support him. We will do that, but first things first.

We have waited long for Manila to decide on this mistake – we can wait another eternity for a correction.

¿Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Juvenal – Satires SVI 347

In one of the email I received, it pointed out that the appointment of PARAS violated a provision of the new By-Laws. I gather from the recipient list of that email that you are all aware of the quoted article. I need not elaborate. I will just translate, roughly, the above Latin title: “Who will guard the guardians themselves?”

Indeed, this reflects unto the guardians – the Supreme Council members and the Elders. I have heard that Sir Hilario Davide is a good man and I believe in that. Did power manipulators surrounding him blindfold him? I am inclined to suspect so. If he were aware of the consequence of that fateful decision that is now unfolding – he would have used his better judgement. Having said so, we should now make a personal appeal to him to resolve this matter and urge him to use the power under his command to rectify this “error.”

The appointment of Sir Lino Paras as Regional Commander is now making the chasm among and between the KORs in Europe, wider. Only an immediate and fair re-evaluation would probably slow down, if not stop, further dissatisfaction and disappointment.

To everyone – our leaders, especially and the membership, in general – remember this – the truth will always out! Cyberspace has accelerated its emergence and exposure. Only those who are afraid of the truth avoid or ignore this modern “La Solidaridad.”

Dennis Barcelona /

Equality of Men
"Men are born equal, naked and without chains, They were not created by God to be enslaved, neither were they endowed with intelligence in order to be misled, nor adorned with reason to be fooled by others, It is not pride to refuse to worship a fellow man, to enlighten the mind, and to reason out everything. The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice."
(Jose Rizal - Message to the women of Malolos, Europe, February 1889)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Paras Appointment Not In Accordance With New By-Laws


of the new by-laws describes the procedure for the appointment of Regional and Area Commanders by the Supreme Council res. the Supreme Commander:

"– The Supreme Council shall, subject to such changes as it may determine appropriate, divide the Philippines and overseas areas into as many regional or administrative areas as it may deem necessary for the efficient administration of the affairs of the Order. The Supreme Commander shall, with the concurrence of the Supreme Council, appoint the incoming Regional Commanders, Deputy Regional Commanders and concerned Area Commanders from a list of at least three (3) nominees for each relevant position. The lists of nominees shall be submitted, at such time as the Supreme Commander may determine appropriate, by the concerned incumbent Regional Commanders in consultation with the Deputy Regional Commanders, Area Commanders and Chapter Commanders within their respective regional or administrative areas. The term of office of the Regional Commanders, Deputy Regional Commanders and Area Commanders shall be co-terminous with the term of office of the appointing Supreme Commander, unless sooner terminated by the latter with the approval of the Supreme Council."

This list of three (3) nominees for the position of the Regional Commander was sent officially to the Supreme Council res. Supreme Commander. Lino Paras was not on this list. So his appointment was not in accordance with the new by-laws and such is not valid at all ! What are these by-laws good for if not even the Supreme Commander and the Supreme Council acts in accordance with these by-laws ?

Sir Peter Eisele, KCR


Dear Sirs,

Although these annexed files were carried out anonymously by a so-called "Knight of Justice" res. "White Knight" or "sir.ivanhoe", I made up my mind after the verification of the charges brought forward by him/her for a publication of this, as I could secure after getting a copy of the book, which allegedly was used for the plagiarism, that these accusations are based upon mere facts. The almost 100 % copy of the poem "Huling Paalam" was checked very fast on the basis of the Jose Rizal web pages.

These facts cannot be ignored by all members, who take their oath seriously. It is not anymore a secret to them that Mr. Paras obviously plagiarized the texts of "Born to be a Hero" and "Huling Paalam". Plagiarism is, in fact, not a bagatelle at all, but an element of a crime. As moral rights and economic interests of original creators are violated, such facts cannot be simply missed out. Copyrights of authors and publishing houses are protected under national law and international conventions, respectively, such as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. This convention was signed by the Republic of the Philippines, as well, to contribute to the harmonization of different national copyright laws. Known as Republic Act No. 8293, Philippine copyright law defines the so-called Intellectual Property Code, including penalties for copyright violations. If you thoroughly look through the attached texts, "Born to be a Hero" and "Huling Paalam" cannot qualify fair use (cf. Sec. 185 of said Code). This is also in accordance with similar regulations as stipulated under German law (cf. § 51, § 63 UrhG 2). If the Order of the Knights of Rizal operates outside these laws, the latter itself acts against its own Charter given by the Philippine Congress in 1951.

So everybody linked to this case not only by writing "Born to be a hero" but also by giving support by different means like Sir Nollas and others thus becoming part of the crime if they do not withdraw after being informed. The question even is to what extend all of us will make ourselves (only morally?) blameworthy if we let go the whole thing without action. I therefore will inform the Philippine Embassies in Germany, Belgium and France for according action due to Philippine law.

Everybody who will now still cooperate with Lino Paras in any way, must put up with the question how he can take the responsibility for this according to law and conscience, why he does not take the necessary consequences facing this bone-crushing facts.

Sir Peter Eisele, KCR

Obwohl die Übersendung der angehängten Dateien anonym durch einen sogenannten "Knight of Justice" bzw. "White Knight" oder "sir.ivanhoe" erfolgte, habe ich mich nach Überprüfung der von ihm/ihr vorgetragenen Vorwürfe zu einer Veröffentlichung entschlossen, da ich nach Erhalt eines Exemplars des angeblich kopierten Buches feststellen konnte, daß diese Anschuldigungen auf Tatsachen beruhen. Die nahezu 100 % Kopie des Gedichtes "Huling Paalam" ließ sich sehr schnell anhand der Jose Rizal Webseiten überprüfen.

Diese Tatsachen können von allen Mitgliedern, die ihren Eid ernst nehmen, nicht mehr ignoriert werden. Es ist kein Geheimnis mehr für sie, daß Herr Paras offensichtlich mit seinen Texten "Born to be a Hero" und "Huling Paalam" geistigen Diebstahl begangen hat. Geistiger bzw. literarischer Diebstahl ist ganz und gar keine Bagatelle, sondern ein Straftatbestand. Da moralische Rechte und ökonomische Interessen der originären Schöpfer verletzt werden, können solche Tatsachen nicht einfach vernachlässigt werden. Urheberrechte von Autoren und Verlagen sind durch internationales Recht und internationale Abmachungen geschützt, wie etwa durch die Berner Konvention zum Schutz literarischer und künstlerischer Werke. Diese Konvention wurde auch von der Republik der Philippinen unterzeichnet, um zur Harmonisierung der unterschiedlichen nationalen Urheberrechtsgesetze beizutragen. Bekannt als Republikgesetz No. 8293, definiert das Philippinische Gesetz zum Copyright den sogenannten "Intellektuellen Besitz Codex", eingeschlossen Strafen für Verletzungen des Copyrights. Wenn man sorgfältig die beigefügten Texte "Born to be a Hero" und "Huling Paalam" durchgeht, so sind sie nicht durch fairen Gebrauch der Vorlagen entstanden (cf. Sec. 185 des besagten Codex) und stellen keine schöpferische Eigenleistung dar. Dieser Sachverhalt stimmt überein mit ähnlichen Rechtsvorschriften, wie sie nach deutschem Gesetz festgelegt sind (cf. § 51, § 63 UrhG 2). Wenn der Orden der "Knights of Rizal" außerhalb dieser Gesetze operiert, handelt der Letztgenannte damit selber gegen seine eigene, vom Philippinischen Kongress 1951 erlassene Charter.

Jede mit dieser Angelegenheit in Verbindung stehende Person - nicht nur der Schreiber von "Born To Be A Hero", sondern auch alle die dieses Werk auf unterschiedliche Weise unterstützt haben wie z.B. Sir Nollas - werden damit zu einem Teil dieses Straftatbestandes, wenn sie sich nach Kenntnisnahme und Information nicht davon distanzieren. Man muss sogar die Frage stellen in wie weit wir uns alle (nur moralisch ?) schuldig machen, wenn wir dies ohne eine Gegenhandlung durchgehen lassen. Ich werde deshalb die Philippinischen Botschaften in Berlin, Belgien und Frankreich um entsprechendes Handeln gemäß philippinischem Recht bitten.

Jeder, der jetzt in irgendeiner Weise noch mit Lino Paras zusammenarbeitet, muss sich die Frage gefallen lassen, wie er das noch mit Recht und Gewissen verantworten kann, wieso er angesichts solcher erdrückender Tatsachen nicht die nötigen Konsequenzen zieht.

Sir Peter Eisele, KCR

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Dear Ladies, dear Gentlemen,

The white knight is dead - long live the satin knight !

If you look at the attached documents (see pdf.files annexed in the article "White Knight exposes Lino&Co for breach of copyright" below) you will find evidence of the plagiarism of Mr. Lino Paras. Plagiarism is, in fact, not a peccadillo at all, but an element of a crime. As moral rights and economic interests of original creators are violated, such facts cannot be simply missed out. Copyrights of authors and publishing houses are protected under national law and international conventions, respectively, such as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. This convention was signed by the Republic of the Philippines, as well, to contribute to the harmonization of different national copyright laws. Known as Republic Act No. 8293, Philippine copyright law defines the so-called Intellectual Property Code, including penalties for copyright violations. If you thoroughly look through the attached texts, “Born to be a Hero” cannot qualify fair use (cf. Sec. 185 of said Code).

We ought to get rid of Mr. Paras once and for all times not only as knight of rizal but as well for many misdeads in Belgium, some of them "bigger" then plagiarism. But - and this is a big problem, in many cases we have heard of but lack evidence. If not for his own or his followers stupidity and greed for glory we would not have known about his plagiarism.

I know and I have been told, that all of you are important and well accepted members of the Philippine-Belgium society and most probably know and have evidence of one or the other "problem" or even illegal doings by Mr. Paras. We need this urgently in order to bake that big cake of evil to swallow by Mr. Paras.

If you have any kind of evidence, which can not be followed up to you personally (as I do not want you to get into any kind of problems through godfather Paras&Co) and which might help us to put the rope around his neck literally, I would be very grateful for your help. If you would tell me I could use your name even the better, but usually I will forget any names who served me with information.

(K)Night in white satin (never mind the name) - perhaps next time green












Founder-President Vernigde Culturele Stichting VZW
26 Leiseleveld, 8200 Brugge, Belgium
tel: 050/392142 & 0485/656668

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Special credit is due to Cesar Alcoba for his most valuable assistance that made it possible to obtain a copy of the manuscript "Born to be a hero."

Mabuhay and more power to him!


Dear Ladies, dear Gentlemen,

I have been informed, that this Lino Paras only joined your order in 1998, but within three years was elevated to KGOR in Orlando in 2001. This is the second highest rank in your order !

If I understand your orders by-laws correctly, Mr. Paras (Sir Paras as you call him) must have done really very, very outstanding things for the memory of the national hero Dr. Jose Rizal, though due to his CV he has not even been a chapter commander for your order yet. Could somebody please tell me, what outstanding things he has done for the order. I could not find any anywhere except his plagiarism "Born To Be A Hero!.

Who proposed him for elevation(s) for what reason(s) ? Who backs him up in Manila ?

I was told that he is backed up by Mr. "Sir" Rogelio Quiambao, a former Supreme Commander of your order and now member of the council of elders. Is it true, that Mr. Paras hosted one of the sons of Mr. Quiambao, when he was a student in Belgium and is it true, that Mr. Paras now still is fostering this son of Mr. Quiambao as I have been told ? Who can give me evidence, please. Is your order paying for this with titles ? Are these the outstanding efforts for your order ?

If your order will keep this Paras among the members, your order deserves him. I pity all the brave members. Mr. "Sir" Brennocks reaction is okay but far from what is needed really. Mr. Paras not only acts against your order, but he far more acts against the good name of the Republic of the Phillipines.

May God forgive him, I will never.

The Knight of Justice

P.S.: I just got to know that Mr. Paras officially was appointed as Regional Commander for Europe. Is this the award for plagiarism ? What a shame for the order. What a shame for all members. People must be blind(ed) in your order.

P.P.S.: If you are interested in more information, read:

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Before lunch today, I got a surprise call from the right-hand henchman of Lino whom I supposed he was asked to contact me personally, "for old time sake." After all these years, I did not expect him to call for no reason at all except when it’s on the eve of Christmas or New Year. He didn’t beat around the bush but told me directly that the main purpose of his call was to invite me for a dialogue, the nature of which I’ve already imagined would be connected directly to the controversial manuscript that Lino pretends to have written by himself.

At first, he somehow denied the existence of the manuscript and told me that Lino couldn’t dare do such a thing. Therefore, I refreshed his memory by referring to the email he sent me in the summer of 2001 in which he told me that Lino really wrote a “book,” as what he proudly referred to, while his first wife was still alive and later dedicated it to her when she passed away shortly after. I wonder if he wasn’t joking or taunting me when he suggested why don’t I write a book, too.

If the dialogue that they were about to propose to me would be to take out my blog completely and to make me retract publicly from my statements posted therein, then I would tell him that it’s out of the question because it’s too late to do so as the matter is already out in the open for some time. How I wished that they could have taken me seriously and heeded to my fair warning in June 2001 on the consequences that may possibly arise from what they were doing at that time. (Please log on to and read the article entitled “Katotohanan o kabulastugan!”)

What made me so furious that I almost hit the ceiling was when he asked me who furnished me the copy of the manuscript. I told him succinctly that the Internet is a public domain and it isn’t too difficult to find any information once it is available online. He also inquired why I was angry at him and Lino taking into account that they didn’t do anything wrong against me. I explained to him the reason why I got pissed off on them but not mad at him was how he could have ever gotten himself involved directly or indirectly with Lino to commit such an unscrupulous and deceitful act of plagiarism by desecrating and betraying the memory of the country’s national hero to whose ideals they had pledged solemnly as a “knight” which they should maintain and uphold, if it were not to satisfy their thirst for greed of power and glory for their personal ambition of self-aggrandizement!

In order to save the most esteemed and highly respected name of Rizal and the true value of his works and teachings, Lino has no other alternative but TO RESIGN OR STEP DOWN FROM THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Dear Sirs,

Please read the annexed pdf.files* to make up your opinion about the theft of wits by Sir Lino Wy Paras, KGOR, Belgium. This is a scandal in the order which is unequaled among the knights: stealing other writers results and work!

Where has the "Order of the Knights of Rizal" gone? Scientific standards even for a "compilation" demand from the author to mark all citations by quotation and tell the reader exactly where the author took the citations from. Nothing like this was done with this "online book". It is more a XEROX COPY of long time existing books with here and there a few words added or omitted. This is not a scientific or literary work of quality at all but a scandal - a mere stealing of other writers results and hard work.

By the way "compilation" origins from the latin word "compilatio" which means "looting"! Original used for comparison: "Jose Rizal, Filipino Doctor and Patriot", by José Baron-Fernandez, published by Manuel L. Morato, edited by Teodoro M. Locsin, translated by Dr. Lilia Hidalgo Laurel. Second edition, printed August 19, 1992. COPYRIGHT, May 23, 1980 by Manuel L. Morato.

See Huling Paalam ni Dr. Jose Rizal - Sa salin ni Andres Bonifacio and compare it with the "translation" of Sir Lino Paras. Would you call this a "translation" as a work of his own, or did he even steal from Bonifacio?

Where will he stop? Claiming "Noli Me Tangere" was originally written by Him in his first life?

Your Knight of Justice


Found at:


„A patchwork compilation of articles and manuscripts on

the complete biography of Jose P. Rizal.



Sunday, July 30, 2006


Rizal's Birth

History is link to the past, the mirror and vehicle to the


On the 19th of June 1861, in a small town in the province of Laguna

(Philippines), Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado (y) Alonzo Realonda was

born, a legitimate son, according to his birth certificate, of to Francisco

Mercado and Teodora Realonda. The birth of this important person was

not heralded by a star, nor was it marked by any seismic phenomenon,

despite the significant role which destiny had marked out for him such

that Spain's eminent philosopher-writer Unamuno was later to call him

"the tagalog Christ". If there was any supernatural happening that

accompanied his birth, it must have been the intervention of the Virgin of

Antipolo, for while undergoing difficult labor, his mother promised to

make pilgrimage to Antipolo should her delivery prove successful.

(Antipolo, 25 kilometers east of Manila, is the most frequented townshrine

in the country.)

This, then, is our hero – born beneath the skies of the country he

poetically called "Pearl of the Orient".

Three days after his birth, Fr. Rufino Collantes, the parish

priest of Calamba, Laguna with Fr. Pedro Casañas,

baptized him in complete Catholic rites as his godfather.

He was named Jose on account of his mother's devotion to

St. Joseph. He was fondly called Pepe in the family


What were his physical attributes? He was of below-average height and

weight. He had large, beautifull, slanting eyes, full lips and prominent

cheekbones, a nose that slightly widened downward. His complexion was

medium dark, but his delicate features belied his pure native origin. Every

detail of his face gave one the feeling that the nobility of that countenance

must be coupled with excellence of conduct. Time confirmed this


The future "Redeemer" was not born poor. Neither was he born in a

palace whose vast marble floors and lonely halls would have rendered his

heart cold and unfeeling. On the contrary, the warmth of his family life is

difficult to equal, tried and tested as it was by so many vicissitudes.

The house in which he was born was a large, two-story edifice, the lower

floor of stone and concrete, and the second floor of wood, surrounded by

a balcony. A portico in front of the house offered shelter from the rain

and lent symmetry and harmony to the edifice. This house was the fruit of

the sacrifices and labors of Francisco Mercado in cultivating the lands

leased to him by the Dominicans.

Calamba, by the Laguna de Bay, was populated by less than 500

inhabitants at the time of Rizal's birth. A sketch of it by Karuth done

during that period shows the plaza, with a carabao pulling its load, a stone

church, the little nipa-and-wood houses, and in the background, the

elegant silhouette of Mt. Makiling, garlanded with clouds and legends.

(Its name, in Tagalog it means "inclined mountain"). Calamba was a rich

town owing to its natural setting.

Name:Ningaskugonkono = Sir Lino Wy Paras, KGOR

Scientific standards even for a „compilation“ demand from

the author to mark all citations by quotation and tell the

reader exactly where the author took the citations from.

Nothing like this was done with this „online book“ at

hand. It is more a XEROX COPY of long time existing

books with here and there a few words added or omitted.

This is not a scientific or literary work of quality at all but

a scandal – a mere stealing of other writers results and hard

work. By the way „compilation“ origins from the latin

word „compilatio“ which means „looting“ !

Around it extended a vast plain that lent itself excellently to the

cultivation of rice, sugarcane and coffee. In its fertile orchards, great

varieties of tropical fruit trees were cultivated. Beside the town lay the

wide expanse of Laguna de Bay, which provided ..... (left out or

forget and thus even tampering the original)

Rizal with the atmosphere conducive not only to cultivating a poet's soul

but also to develop an inclination to the natural sciences.

In contrast to the fertility of the land, life in Calamba was marred by

frequent epidemics of typhoid; malaria, which usually came together with

the cultivation of rice, wrought havoc, and cholera frequently broke out.

Rizal's Family

The first thing which calls the attention of the alert reader is the fact that

the family name of Rizal's parents does not coincide with his own, as

inscribed in his birth certificate. This can be explained as follows: The

name of Rizal's mother was Teodora Alonzo Quintos. According to some

notes of Rizal's brother Paciano "The birth certificate of Jose bears the

name Realonda because there was a time when many Filipinos had the

custom of adding the name of the godmother of godfather to the child's

name. Thus, when his mother Teodora was baptized, the name Realonda

(her godmother's), was added to her name, and later to Rizal." Rizal

himself gave, in a letter to Blumentritt, the complete name of his mother:

Teodora Alonzo Quintos Realonda.

(a few words left out) In the middle of the 19th century, to the effect

that the natives choose the family name they wished from a list provided

for this purpose. Rizal's father ... ignored these orders and reapplied for

the name Rizal. The Spanish authorities rejected the petition (original

mixed), but despite this the Mercado family used the name Rizal as a

second family name. Jose was the first to use the family name "Rizal" in

1872 when he went to manila to enroll at the Ateneo Municipal, directed

by the Jesuits. There was a good reason for the change. Only six months

had elapsed since the Cavite Mutiny of 1872. This event was to have a

profound effect on the ideological genesis of Jose, despite the fact that he

was only 11 yrs. Old at the time his brother Paciano had contacts with Fr.

Burgos, who was executed as a consequence of the uprisings. The name

Mercado thus became subject to suspicion. Hence, the adoption of Rizal

as the first family name.

(parts left out, even the information that she was the mother of Rizal)

... Teodora Alonzo, ..., who undoubtedly was the most striking

personality in the family circle, owing to her intelligence, culture and

disposition. A well-read person,

She knew how to appreciate literature, corrected her son's verses and

guided him in his study of rhetoric; she had a good knowledge of


Furthermore, she was able, ..., to foretell future events. Educated in the

College of Santa Rosa, run by the Sisters of Charity, she was a devout

Catholic, and believed in the intercession of the saints in earthly

happenings, as we have seen when she made the promise to the Virgin of

Antipolo. She took great efforts to imbue her sons with the maxims of

Christian morality. Her father was a representative to the Cortes for the

Philippines, for the Islands had been represented there for short periods:

1810-1813; 1813-1814; 1820-1822; 1822-1823 and 1834-1837. This

prominent grandfather of Rizal was the teacher of Teodora.

His brother had been educated in Europe and spoke four languages,

besides Tagalog, he was a Knight of the Order of Isabel la Catolica. It is

not surprising that, with the personal qualities that adorned Teodora, her

authority and prominence, together with certain unique charm, she had

strong influence over the family. Furthermore, she and her husband

enjoyed the utmost respect of their children. It was a spontaneous

obedience – such that Rizal never made any important decision without

the approval of his parents. The only exception to this was his first trip to

Europe, but this involved a loftier cause, the historic mission that had

been assigned to him. Even then, Rizal did not dare present himself to his

parents to kiss their hands without asking their previous pardon.

Francisco Mercado was 43-years old when Rizal was born. He was older

than his wife by six years was, having more than average height; his

face was serious and noble. He was a man of few words, dignified and

hospitable. Having studied in the Colegio de San Jose in Manila, he

possessed an elementary education that was sufficient to successfully

carry out the management of the large agricultural properties that were

leased to him. He was the first Mercado from the neighboring town of

Biñan to settle in Calamba. His father and grandfather had been,

successively, "capitanes" or mayors of the town in which he was born.

Such was the intellectual and moral climate in which the personality of

Jose was to develop – an atmosphere of work, seriousness, devoted to his

duty, piety and rigor. The Rizal family was a closely-knit unit without

fissures, in which the spirit of solidarity was of primary importance, and

the striving for culture was the leitmotiv of the home. Hence, the family

library contained more than 1,000 volumes, many of them brought in

clandestinely from Europe, according to Rizal, "majority of the books in

the Philippines were religious and narcotic in effect."

The mother of Rizal was prolific, having had 11 children in the span of

20 years, in the following order: Saturnina (1850), Paciano (1851),

Narcisa (1852), Olimpia (1855), Lucia (1857), Maria (1859), Jose (1861),

Concepcion (1862), Josefa (1865), Trinidad (1868) and Soledad (1870).

These data show that out of 11 children she had only two sons. This

should explain the close ties that so obviously bound Paciano and Jose, in

spite of the differences of their ages.

Paciano requires special mention because, although in all the

posted by Ningaskugonkono at 9:31 AM |

What a laudatio at the end – either Sir

Rudy Nollas does not know about this

stealing or he is as bad as the „author“.

The Researcher-Author-Publisher

In the middle of 1995, when I called by long distance my brother

Perfecto in Washington, D.C., telling him that I am doing a

research about the Philippines, the life of our national hero Dr.

Jose P. Rizal, the first Filipino and the Brussels history. I had a

lengthy conversation touching on all the details pertinent to my

works, including the manner in which the publication of the book

could be expeditiously carried out.

My brother "Perfecto" admired my ideas, courage, and God given

talents. Indeed he was so very supportive of my research and he

even invites me to come to the US. In the same year I stayed 3-

week in the United States, but most of my time were consumed

visiting libraries in Washington D.C.

When I wrote "Born to be a Hero, the history of the Philippines,

the national heroes, and the Brussels history. I had in mind the

Filipinos in Europe. The Filipino organization leaders suggested

to me that I write this book. They said many Filipino children

born in Europe have never come to the Philippines and are

studying the European history and the lives of European heroes

but have no knowledge of the Philippine history and the Filipino

heroes. Of course, I realize the great necessity of this, so I

decided to write this book which would be beneficial not only to

them, but also to our countrymen in the Philippines. I wrote this

book in English and some introduction in French language so that

the reader will find no difficulty in understanding it. It is my aim

and hope that this will enlighten our people and foreigners as


This book was written from the point of view of the Filipinos and

not of the Spaniards and the Americans. Even so, facts are not

twisted to accommodate national prejudices. The facts are

allowed to stand as facts, but their interpretations are my

responsibility. Consequently, while l discussed the evils of the

Spanish administration, I also discussed the good that Spain had

to be continued with many more pages from the original

"Jose Rizal, Filipino Doctor and Patriot", by José

Baron-Fernandez, published by Manuel L. Morato,

edited by Teodoro M. Locsin, translated by Dr. Lilia

Hidalgo Laurel. Second edition, printed August 19,


COPYRIGHT, May23, 1980 by Manuel L. Morato

done in the Philippines. The same may be said of my treatment of

the American period: the good as well as the bad are placed side

by side for all to see. This is the essence of impartiality in history.

There is no deliberate twisting of facts in order to accommodate

friends or to drag down enemies.

I am aware that some aspects of Rizal's biography will prove to

be controversial; it is not a hagiography but the story of a human

being who, being human, was afflicted with "the headache and

the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to". Rizal was not

perfect, he was not always right, but I trust that those who read

this story of his life will perceive that his humanity is precisely

the secret of his greatness.

Sir Lino Wy Paras, KGO


This book is intended for the readers who treasures achievements,

love of liberty and freedom. Why not? Born to be a Hero", the

Philippines and Dr. José Protacio Rizal. True he was not

Napoleon, Stalin or Hitler, like those three brought death to so

many, yet is glorified by an otherwise rational people. He was not

Lincoln – but only in the sense that he acted on a much smaller

stage, a country of little importance to the world because it does

little harm. He, too, would set a people free – by bringing light to

them and their oppressors. (Lincoln was not too zealous about

setting the Negro slaves free at the start.) Rizal faced the problem

of human iniquities, injustices committed by the Dominicans and

Governor General against his people. Whether he acted rightly or

wrongly, his life illumines the problem and obtained respect of

people everywhere.

Now comes this book "born to be a hero" by Sir Lino Paras a

Belgian-Filipino in Brussels who revered Rizal a Universal man,

whose life and death continue to haunt the minds and

imaginations of foreigners as well as his countrymen. As tribute

to the Philippine National Hero, the researcher-author-publisher

mentioned extraordinary human courage, goodness and virtues

that a man could have.

Hence, this work requires "enormous labor", as the autho-rresearcher-

publisher tediously followed up (for seven years)

hundreds of bibliographical references for life, works and

writings of Dr. Jose Rizal. The author almost abandoned making

this book in 2001, due to the long period of sickness of his wife

who died January 21, 2001. His devotion to his subject persists

till he found out the unedited documents in archives of Belgium,

France, Czech Republic and Spain about Rizal.

Who is this researcher-author-publisher?

He is a Rizalist, named Felino Wy Paras, born on March 15,1944,

at the town of Cabiao, Province of Nueva Ecija. A naturalized

Belgian with Filipino-Chinese blood born during the year (1944)

that the first President of the Philippine Commonwealth,

President Manuel L. Quezon, died. According to his father a

priest in the town of Arayat, Pampanga, with Tata Ensiong Paras,

his godfather, baptized him four months after his birth in

complete catholic rites, at the foot of mount Arayat, Pampanga,

and this was during the Philippine-Japanese war.

His father was Indolencio Parungao Paras, born May 15,1907 in

Cabiao, Province of Nueva Ecija, and his mother was Escolastica

Wy, Filipina-Chinese origin and a native of Rosales, Pangasinan,

born August 15,1910. Sir Lino Paras has seven (7) brothers, Jose,

Perfecto, Alipio, Zoilo, Leonardo, Godofredo, Juanito, and two

(2) sisters Corazon and Angelina. He was married to Elsa

Aloquina Castor, on September 21,1965 and his wife died after a

long period fighting of cancer. They have two (2) sons Fernando

and Alberto, both married and have nice family living in


Sir Lino Paras immigrated in Belgium in the year 1965 one of the

first Filipino established in the heart of Europe. He became the

Filipino godfather in the area, not only giving shelter to new

Filipino arrivals but extended financial assistance and helped

secure job placement most especially for the unemployed


He followed courses at the University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

and Graduated in Master of Business Administration.

In 1977 he joined a company whose specialization was Studio-

Radio Television lighting equipment. 1980, he was employed at

the Bank Brussels Lambert (BBL) in Brussels, and in 1995, he

setup his own businesses: The PhilAir Travel International Sprl,

and Fibel Trading International LTD. 1979 he joined several

Filipino organizations: The "Asbl" Philippine Sports Community

of Brussels (PSC), Benelux Filipino Sports Federation (BFSF),

The Alliance, Belga Cultura of Belgium, Belgian Chamber on

Philippine Economic Relationship, The "Asbl" Philippine

Chaplaincy, Belgian-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and The

"Asbl" Philippine Tourism Promotion Office in the Benelux.

Presently, a Radio Broadcaster of DZXL-RMN Belgium online

"Bantay OCW" with Susan K. and Cesar Padilla.

He married Baniza Lasota Seit on January 30, 2002, a lovely

young and talented lady of Negros Oriental, born on August 15,

1979 in Sta. Catalina, Dumaguete City. A Foreign Service

Graduate at the Lyceum of the Philippines. She passed the civil

Service Examination in 2001,with distinction. Decided to write

books and look personally their lovely daughter Marie-Christine

rather than joining the government service.

What one to say of the book? It is obviously, as the researcherauthor-

publisher says a labor of love, and this love makes Rizal

come vividly to life. No detail of what controversial life is slurred

that would provide insight into a reluctant hero - reluctant, but a

hero notwithstanding. The highest moments come, of course,

when Rizal himself speaks. What a true man, not a blank figure,

is revealed! There is no posturing in his letters, only brilliant

mind though "perplexed in the extreme" is exposed, and a beating

heart. What he wrote as he await death in the morning would

melt a heart of stone. There is no pity for him, only thought for

others, for those he loved whom he brought so such suffering

when he followed his conscience – a reflection of God's will on


Sir Rudy Nollas, KCR

taken from:

Huling Paalam ni Dr. Jose Rizal

(By Sir Lino Paras, KGOR)

Huling Paalam ni Dr. Jose Rizal

Sa salin ni Andres Bonifacio

Pinipintuho kong Bayan ay paalam,

Lupang iniirog ng sikat ng araw,

mutyang mahalaga sa dagat Silangan,

kaluwalhatiang sa ami'y pumanaw.

Masayang sa iyo'y aking idudulot

ang lanta kong buhay na lubhang malungkot;

maging maringal man at labis alindog

sa kagalingan mo ay aking ding ihahandog.

Sa pakikidigma at pamimiyapis

ang alay ng iba'y ang buhay na kipkip,

walang agam-agam, maluag sa dibdib,

matamis sa puso at di ikahapis.

Saan man mautas ay di kailangan,

cipres O laurel, lirio ma'y patungan

pakikipaghamok, at ang bibitayan,

yaon ay gayon din kung hiling ng Bayan.

Ako'y mamatay, ngayong namamalas

na sa silanganan ay namamanaag

yaong maligayang araw na sisikat

sa likod ng luksang nagtabing na ulap.

Ang kulay na pula kung kinakailangan

na maitina sa iyong Liway-way,

dugo ko'y isabong at siyang ikinang

ng kislap ng iyong maningning na ilaw.

Ang aking adhika sapul magkaisip

ng kasalukuyang bata pang maliit,

ay ang tanghaling ka at minsan masilip

sa dagat Silangan hiyas na marikit.

Natuyo ang luhang sa mata'y nunukal,

Taas na ang noo't walang kapootan,

Walang bakas kunot ng kapighatian

Gabahid man dungis niyong kahihiyan.

Sa kabuhayang ko ang laging gunita

maningas na aking ninanasa-nasa

ay guminhawa ang hiyas ng diwa

hinga'y papanaw ngayong biglang-bigla.

Pag hinga'y papanaw ngayong biglang-bigla.

Ikaw'y guminhawa laking kagandahang

ako'y malugmok, at ikaw ay matanghal,

hiniga'y malagot, mabuhay la lamang

bangkay ko'y masilong sa iyong Kalangitan.

Kung sa libingan ko'y may tumubong mamalas

sa malagong damo mahinhing bulaklak,




sa mga lupa ng aking libingan,

ang init ng iyong paghingang dalisay

at simoy ng iyong paggiliw na tunay.

Pinipintuho kong Bayan ay paalam,

Lupang iniirog ng sikat ng araw,

mutyang mahalaga sa dagat Silangan,

kaluwalhatiang sa ami'y pumanaw.

Masayang sa iyo'y aking idudulot

ang lanta kong buhay na lubhang malungkot;

maging maringal man at labis alindog

sa kagalingan mo ay aking ding handog.

Sa pakikidigma at pamimiyapis

ang alay ng iba'y ang buhay na kipkip,

walang agam-agam, maluag sa dibdib,

matamis sa puso at di ikahapis.

Saan man mautas ay dikailangan,

cipres o laurel, lirio ma'y patungan

pakikipaghamok, at ang bibitayan,

yaon ay gayon din kung hiling ng Bayan.

Ako'y mamamatay, ngayong namamalas

na sa silinganan ay namamanaag

yaong maligayang araw na sisikat

sa likod ng luksang nagtabing na ulap.

Ang kulay na pula kung kinakailangan

na maitina sa iyong liway-way,

dugo ko'y isabong at siyang ikinang

ng kislap ng iyong maningning na ilaw

Ang aking adhika sapul magkaisip

ng kasalukuyang bata pang maliit,

ay ang tanghaling ka at minsan masilip

sa dagat Silangan hiyas na marikit.

Natuyo ang luhang sa mata'y nunukal,

taas na ang noo't walang kapootan,

walang bakas kunot ng kapighatian

gabahid man dungis niyong kahihiyan.

Sa kabuhayang ko ang laging gunita

maningas na aking ninanasa-nasa

ay guminhawa ka ang hiyas ng diwa

hingang papanaw ngayong biglang-bigla.

pag hingang papanaw ngayong biglang-bigla.

Ikaw'y guminhawa laking kagandahang

akoy malugmok, at ikaw ay matanghal,

hiniga'y malagot, mabuhay ka lamang

bangkay ko'y masilong sa iyong Kalangitan.

Kung sa libingan ko'y tumubong mamalas

sa malagong damo mahinhing bulaklak,

sa mga labi mo'y mangyayaring itapat,

sa kaluluwa ko hatik ay igawad.

At sa aking noo nawa'y iparamdam,

sa lamig ng lupa ng aking libingan,

ang init ng iyong paghingang dalisay

at simoy ng iyong paggiliw na tunay.

taken from:

Bayaang ang buwan sa aki'y ititig

Ang liwanag niyang lamlam at tahimik,

Liwayawy bayaang sa aki'y ihatid

Magalaw na sinag at hanging hagibis.

Kung sakasakaling bumaba't humantong

sa krus ko'y dumapo kahit isang ibon

doon ay bayaan himuning hinahon

at dalitin niya payapang panahon.

Bayaan ang ningas ng sikat ng araw

Ula'y pasingawin noong kaintan,

magbalik sa langit ng boong dalisay

kalakip ng aking pagdaing na hiyaw.

Bayaang sino man sa katotong giliw

tangisang maagang sa buhay pagkitil;

kung tungkol sa akin ay may manalangin

idalangin, Bayan, yaring pagka himbing.

Idalaging lahat yaong nangamatay,

na nagtiis hirap na walang kapantay;

mga ina naming walang kapalaran

na inihihibik ay kapighatian.

Ang mga bao na nagungulila,

ang mga bilanggong nagsisipagdusa;

dalanginin namang kanilang makita

ang kalayaan mong, ikagiginhawa.

At kung ang madilim na gabing mapanglaw

yy lumaganap na doon sa libingan

tanging mga patay ang nangaglalamay,

huwag bagabagin ang katahimikan.

Ang kanyang hiwagay huwag gambalain;

kaipala'y maringig doon ang taginting,

tunog ng guitara't saltero'y mag saliw,

ako, Bayan yao't kita'y aawitin.

Kung ang libingan ko'y limot na ng lahat

At wala ng krus at batang mabakas,

Bayaang linangin ng taong masipag,

Lupa'y asarolin at kauyang ikalat.

At mga buto ko ay bago matunaw

Mauwi sa wala at kusang maparam,

Alabok ng iyong latag ay bayaang

Siya ang babalang doo'y makipisan.

Kung magka-gayon na'y aalintanahin

Na ako sa limot iyong ihabilin

Pagka't himpapawid at ang panganorin

Mga lansangan mo'y aking lilibutin.

Matining na tunog ako sa dinig mo,

Ilaw, mga kulay, masamyong pabango,

Ang ugong at awit, pag-hibik sa iyo,

Pag-asang dalisay ng pananalig ko.

Bayaang ang buwan sa aki'y ititig

ang iwanag niyang lamlam at tahimik,

liwayway bayaang sa aki'y ihatid

magalaw na sinag at hanging hagibis.

Kung sakasakaling bumabang humantong

sa krus ko'y dumapo kahit isang ibon

doon ay bayaan humuning hinahon

at dalitin niya payapang panahon.

Bayaan ang ningas ng sikat ng araw

ula'y pasingawin noong kainitan,

magbalik sa langit ng boong dalisay

kalakip ng aking pagdaing na hiyaw.

Bayaang sino man sa katotang giliw

tangisang maagang sa buhay pagkitil;

kung tungkol sa akin ay may manalangin

idalangin, Bayan, yaring pagka himbing.

Idalanging lahat yaong nangamatay,

mangagatiis hirap na walang kapantay;

mga ina naming walang kapalaran

na inihihibik ay kapighatian.

Ang mga bao't pinapangulila,

ang mga bilanggong nagsisipagdusa;

dalanginin namang kanilang makita

ang kalayaan mong, ikagiginhawa.

At kung an madilim na gabing mapanglaw

ay lumaganap na doon sa libinga't

tanging mga patay ang nangaglalamay,

huwag bagabagin ang katahimikan.

Ang kanyang hiwagay huwag gambalain;

kaipala'y maringig doon ang taginting,

tunog ng gitara't salterio'y mag saliw,

ako, Bayan yao't kita'y aawitin.

Kung ang libingan ko'y limat na ng lahat

at wala ng kurus at batang mabakas,

bayaang linangin ng taong masipag,

lupa'y asarolin at kauyang ikalat.

At mga buto ko ay bago matunaw

maowi sa wala at kusang maparam,

alabok ng iyong latag ay bayaang

siya ang babalang doo'y makipisan.

Kung magka gayon na'y aalintanahin

na ako sa limot iyong ihabilin

pagka't himpapawid at ang panganorin

mga lansangan mo'y aking lilibutin.

Matining na tunog ako sa dingig mo,

ilaw, mga kulay, masamyong pabango,

ang ugong at awit, pag hibik sa iyo,

pag asang dalisay ng pananalig ko.

taken from:

Bayang iniirog, sakit niyaring hirap,

Katagalugang ko pinakaliliyag,

Dinggin mo ang aking pagpapahimakas;

Diya'y iiwan ko sa iyo ang lahat.

Ako'y patutungo sa walang busabos,

Walang umiinis at berdugong hayop;

Pananalig doo'y di nakasasalot,

Si bathala lamang dooy haring lubos.

Paalam, magulang at mga kapatid

Kapilas ng aking kaluluwa't dibdib

Mga kaibigan bata pang maliit

Sa aking tahanan 'di na masisilip.

Pag-papasalamat at napahinga rin,

Paalam estrangherang kasuyo ko't aliw,

Paalam sa inyo, mga ginigiliw;

Mamatay ay siyang pagkakagupiling!

Bayang iniirog, sakit niyaring hirap,

Katagalugang ko pinakaliliyag,

dinggin mo ang aking pagpapahimakas;

diya'y iiwan ko sa iyo ang lahat.

Would you call this a translation of Sir Lino Paras,

KGOR, a work of his own, or did he even steal from

Bonifacio ?

Where will he stop ? Claiming „Noli Me Tangere“ was

originally written by Him in his first life ?

DON`T TOUCH ME , Sir Lino !

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