Sunday, September 10, 2006


Dear Ladies, dear Gentlemen,

I have been informed, that this Lino Paras only joined your order in 1998, but within three years was elevated to KGOR in Orlando in 2001. This is the second highest rank in your order !

If I understand your orders by-laws correctly, Mr. Paras (Sir Paras as you call him) must have done really very, very outstanding things for the memory of the national hero Dr. Jose Rizal, though due to his CV he has not even been a chapter commander for your order yet. Could somebody please tell me, what outstanding things he has done for the order. I could not find any anywhere except his plagiarism "Born To Be A Hero!.

Who proposed him for elevation(s) for what reason(s) ? Who backs him up in Manila ?

I was told that he is backed up by Mr. "Sir" Rogelio Quiambao, a former Supreme Commander of your order and now member of the council of elders. Is it true, that Mr. Paras hosted one of the sons of Mr. Quiambao, when he was a student in Belgium and is it true, that Mr. Paras now still is fostering this son of Mr. Quiambao as I have been told ? Who can give me evidence, please. Is your order paying for this with titles ? Are these the outstanding efforts for your order ?

If your order will keep this Paras among the members, your order deserves him. I pity all the brave members. Mr. "Sir" Brennocks reaction is okay but far from what is needed really. Mr. Paras not only acts against your order, but he far more acts against the good name of the Republic of the Phillipines.

May God forgive him, I will never.

The Knight of Justice

P.S.: I just got to know that Mr. Paras officially was appointed as Regional Commander for Europe. Is this the award for plagiarism ? What a shame for the order. What a shame for all members. People must be blind(ed) in your order.

P.P.S.: If you are interested in more information, read:

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