Friday, November 17, 2006


Each truth needs somebody bold to speak it out

Is Paras to retire for "bad" health reasons? There are already rumours spreading that the so-called European Commander will not be taken responsible for his PLAGIARISM (it is even said that he denies to have written "Born To Be A Hero". In addition, Sir Nollas now allegedly has denied to have written the laudation for Paras` book - since when are knights cowards?). What about RACISM against the European knights, FAKING his curriculum vitae and "PAYING" for his KGOR - with just one container. It is even said that he will be encouraged to "gracefully?" withdraw from office within a "certain period" of time in order not to lose his face. Paras? incumbency is shrouded in endless questions and mystery. The man is just as nebulous for he refuses to come out and "face" his detractors.

But how could one possibly lose his face, if it is only a grimace of a knight, an antic of lies, of pretensions, betrayals, racism and other infamous actions? One thing for sure, his proclaimed promise to reunite the European knights is only a farce. This goal was already long given up long before he assumed his much-coveted position as Regional Commander. Hence his tactic of keeping information only to selected people and chapters is an evidence of his lack of honesty and honour. He does not even care if chapters split up by ignoring "brown" knights, who rightfully and courageously, do not follow his way. Therefore, instead of uniting Europe he does exactly the opposite? put asunder the Order in Europe.

Paras is surrounded by incompetent advisers. There is this friar, a Father Apolo, the "holy" man (and spiritual adviser of Paras) who has admitted that his patron had no intention of uniting the European Knights. There is the "right-hand man", Sir Bhoy, a loyal henchman trying hard to exalt and praise his hero. Let us not forget Nollas, whose laudation needs some refinement fitting a "great" book his Commander "wrote". If these advisers, for their worth, strongly recommended that Paras convene a meeting of all knights, friend and foe, critics or admirers; extended his hands in friendship, in making up and in unifying words, "let us come together and be one"? who would at that momentous event deny him?

But no, his mentors seem to have advised him:

1) to surround himself with probable allies, like certain chapters where Filipinos are the
majority. Instead of making the bold act of extending his hand to others, make up with them and move to unify, he makes the foolish gambit of further alienating himself. As far as I can determine, not everyone he thought would become his ally have turned out to be what he hoped. I can only praise these "brown" knights, and there are a good number of them, who know what is right and what is wrong? who would not just exercise blind obedience; and who are not maligned with colonial mentality; and,

2) to court some "white" knights into his camp. These knights probably are not true Rizalists or they have lost their sense of righteousness. They are of the "rank and medal" variety of knights, less conscious of what a true Rizalian means. How many offers or pleadings did Rizal have to hear in Dapitan during his exile? He dismissed or did not entertain them when it was against his ideas and principles. A smart knight, knowing the truth would have made reservations and would withhold outright "endorsement", with their presence in Paras? little parties; and,

3) to keep his appointment, in spite of scandalous accusations. A true gentleman, an honourable man would have announced, "until I have cleared myself of these? vicious? accusations and to keep the sanctity of the office I have been appointed to, I shall not assume the responsibilities of my appointment as Regional Commander for Europe. I hereby, invite my deputy to hold the reins until such time as I may, with a clear conscience, having successfully disputed all the allegations thrown against me, reassume the post to which I was appointed to"; lastly,

4) to take heart, that because of his "gracious" accommodations in the past, he has backers in the Manila, who would try to keep him unscathed and protected. In addition, he has a holy man to bless him with the best advice.

My dear hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, long after they caused you to be executed, wrongfully? they are still around spreading their gospels of intrigues and injustice. Amen.

Coming next: the Manila Connection.

Sir Peter Eisele, KCR

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